Thursday, November 28, 2024
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
To Do List for the Week of 11/26/2024
Monday, November 25, 2024
Another Off the Design Wall
I'm slowly recovering from our yard work marathon on Saturday. Thankfully my back and knees held up pretty well, it was the rest of me that hurt afterwards. Even My Guy was feeling it on Sunday. We definitely aren't as young as we used to be.
Even with the Saturday yard work excursion, I had a good week in the sewing room, Squared Away is sashed and bordered.
I'm pretty happy with how it came together. This is upside down from how I've had it on the design wall during assembly, but it looks good from that direction too. It will be next year before Squared Away is finished. My goal was to make progress on all the projects on my quilt plan. I've done that this year and it's only November.
What's next? Definitely Old Town, the 2025 Bonnie Hunter mystery. Those clues come fast and furious the next few weeks. My goal is to see if I can keep up this year. I've never managed that before.
Linking up with Monday Design Wall and Patchwork & Quilts.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Stitching Stuff: Week 47 of 2024
This is the last Sunday in November. Are you as shocked by that statement as I am? I'm not ready for us to be so close to the last month of the year. It's been such a good year on the stitching front, it's easy to not want it to end. I really didn't expect to be almost to the end of November with an intact stitching streak for the year.
- 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
- 15 minute days/Nov = 23/23 days
- 15 minute days/2024= 328/328 days
- Success rate = 100%
1. Gretchen 2. maggie f 3. Julie in GA 4. Karen | 5. DonnaleeQ 6. Quilting Gail 7. Andrée at Quilting & Learning 8. Bonnie in Va | 9. Frédérique 10. Carol @Quilt Schmilt |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Week 130 Photo Challenge: Vintage
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
To Do List for the Week of 11/19/2024
The blocks are all sashed and stitched together. Just two borders left to attach and this project will be a finished quilt top.
Monday, November 18, 2024
The Last Project on the Quilt Plan
It's been a pretty good year in the sewing room. All the stitching time has allowed me to make some progress on every project that was on my stitching plan (and a couple that weren't). The focus on progress has meant I've gotten 5 finishes so far this year, but I'm set up for even more next year.
The last project on the plan is Squared Away. This project was the 2018 Rainbow Scrap Project quilt along. I finished all the blocks in 2018, but then they sat waiting for inspiration on how to set them. I'm not sure my setting is all that inspired, but I'm happy with how it's going together.
Just one last sashing to stitch into the middle and then it will be ready to add the borders. Hopefully the borders can be finished up this week and then this project can go into the "to be quilted" closet.
Then what? This is the last project on my quilt plan. I've got one more month on the Guild BOM and the Marble Mystery continues into next year. Old Town, this year's Bonnie Hunter mystery, kicks off on Friday. Usually the BH mystery is pretty intense, so I may not need to add any projects to my list. We'll see.
Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Stitching Stuff: Week 46 of 2024
We did finally get our autumn temps, the really cold stuff arrives on Monday. We've not had to turn the heat on so far, but that will probably change soon. My Guy took Friday off and we went on an adventure. We didn't get home till late, but thankfully there was still enough time to get some stitching in before bedtime.
- 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
- 15 minute days/Nov = 16/16 days
- 15 minute days/2024 = 321/321 days
- Success rate = 100%
In general, most of these pieces are 3 and 4 yard cuts, so they aren't a quick press and fold. I've managed to press a few pieces. This bin full may take longer than the previous ones. But it's all progress no matter how long it takes.
1. Gretchen 2. Julie in GA 3. Frédérique | 4. maggie f 5. DonnaleeQ 6. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting | 7. Bonnie in Va 8. amanda 9. Carol @ Quilt Schmilt |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Week 129 Photo Challenge: Sweets
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Photo Play: October Summary
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
To Do List for the Week of 11/12/2024
Monday, November 11, 2024
Ten Years in the Making
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Stitching Stuff: Week 45 of 2024
- 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
- 15 minute days/Nov = 9/9 days
- 15 minute days/2024 = 314/314 days
- Success rate = 100%
The last few fabrics in the to be pressed bin from the last refill in August were pressed, folded and added to the fabric closet. When I went to reload the "to be pressed bin", there were only 4 fabrics left from the pile on top of the wire rack.
Those were also pressed, folded and added to the fabric closet. That takes care of all the prewashed fabrics that were piled on top of the wire rack in the fabric closet. So all this fabric is pressed, folded and sorted into the fabric closet.
1. Julie in GA 2. Frédérique | 3. DonnaleeQ 4. Andrée at Quilting & Learning | 5. Carol Andrews 6. Bonnie in Va |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Week 128 Photo Challenge: Compassion
We all thought last week's challenge was hard. This week's was even harder. How do you photograph something like this?
We all have photos. Do they meet the challenge? Maybe, maybe not. So it's a good thing we make up the rules!
My plans for getting a photo were rained out (mainly because I tend to wait till the day before to figure it all out). Here's my effort for the week.
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Kate: Words of Compassion |
Google came to my rescue at about 5 PM yesterday. Thankfully I remembered where the Scrabble game was (we've not played in ages). I was vastly disappointed at the lack of "p" squares in the game. Maybe we've lost some? Not an original idea, but I do like how the photo came out.
You'll need to read the stories that go along with the photos to see how My Guy's and Grad Girl's photos tie into compassion.
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My Guy: Tufted Titmouse |
My Guy was out on a bike ride and came across this Tufted Titmouse sitting in the middle of the road. My Guy stopped and spoke to him. The bird just looked at him. The bird's legs were folded under him, like he was hurt. My Guy decided to at least get him out of the road, not only because of vehicular traffic, there was also a Red-shouldered hawk and a murder of Crows nearby. He was clearly exposed sitting there in the middle of the road. My Guy got a stick and put it under the bird to lift him up. He was surprised when the Titmouse perched on the stick easily. As My Guy was moving the bird to the side of the road, the Titmouse suddenly remembered he could fly and flew into a nearby tree. It's hard to photograph an act of compassion when your the one being compassionate. But I think this photo works.
Grad Girl has had a rough few weeks, this fall hasn't been easy for her on several fronts.
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Grad Girl: Compassion Kitty |
So she has been very thankful for her furry companion, Queenie. When Grad Girl was sick the week before her big exam, Queenie took up watch either from the end of the couch or from her cat tree. She was very concerned her person wasn't feeling very well. After a bad day in the lab, Queenie always greets her at the door, excited to see her. This kitty is deathly afraid of running water, but she always keeps watch when Grad Girl showers and checks on her after the water is off to see if she survived. Queenie usually knows when Grad Girl needs extra cuddles to start her day. Note that Queenie is not the cuddliest of cats, she is the opposite of a cuddle bug. So it's quite an honor to be granted morning cuddle time. Can a cat be compassionate? Sometimes it certainly seems this one can be.
So did we hit the mark this week? None of us are sure about that, but at least we took photos so can move on to a new challenge.
We all sighed with relief when this card was drawn. Definitely an easier subject, the challenge is going to be getting an interesting photo.