Tuesday, December 12, 2023

To Do List for the Week of 1212/2023

Only two Tuesdays left in 2023?  December always seems to speed by.  I'm definitely not ready for the end of the year.  My holiday to do list has just about preempted my quilting to do list, but it is that time of year.  Even so, I didn't do too badly with last week's to do list. 

To Do List for 12/5/2023

1. Indigo Way: Continue clues 1 and 2, start clue 3 ✔
2. Malted Mystery: Finish clue 5, start clue 6 - progress
3. Rhododendron: Finish pieced borders - progress
4. Melodic Mystery: Make label and binding, trim quilt - progress
5. Chilhowie: Leaders and enders project 
6. Fabric organization: Cut/sort scraps/press fabrics ✔

My goal is progress, so to have progress on all the items even if they aren't checked off is still a good week. 

This week's to do list is still pretty ambitious.  If I can check off a few, but make progress on rest, it will still be a good week.  

To Do List for 12/12/2023

1. Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue clues 1, 2 and 3, start clue 4

I'm almost done with clue 1, just one more set of HSTs to stitch together. Clue 2 is halfway finished. Clue 3 has been started, but I don't have any finished units yet.  

2. Malted Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish clue 5 and start clue 6

I finally finished the first block in clue 5. I'm really enjoying the fabrics I picked for this year's mystery.  I've gotten started on the last part of clue 5.  That should go fast and then I can get started on clue 6.  

3.  Rhododendron Mystery (Bonnie Hunter): Finish the pieced borders. 

I forgot that the last two border strips also had pieced blocks.  I've got those measurements figured out, the fabric cut, now I just have to assemble them.  

4. Melodic Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish making binding, sew to quilt.  

The label is made, the binding is almost sewn together.  Hopefully this will be a finished quilt before next week. The handwork may take longer, but we'll see how it goes.   

5. Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter): Continue as leaders and enders project.

I'm hoping to finish the all the blocks by the end of the year. I'll still have the sashing to piece, but getting the blocks done is the big job.  

6. Fabric organization: cut/sort scraps and press fabrics.  

That's a pretty ambitious list.  If I can make progress on all of that, even if none of it is checked off, it will be a good week.  


Kim said...

I, too, love those colors you've chosen for Malted Mystery. It will be fun to see the finished product.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Your palette for the Malted Mystery is really lovely. Have fun making progress on your list!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I agree, Kate - all progress is good progress! The latest Malted Mystery blocks are pretty ones. In your previous post, I loved reading that you had scraps from a quilt you made for a little girl fighting cancer who is now 17. That's a good scrap memory!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Every little bit counts toward a finish and as long as you are enjoying every minute that is the most important. I wish you a wonderful and successful week of meeting your goals. It is a busy time of the year isn't it? ( My internet is acting up , I couldn't see your photos but thankfully I could read your blog post ; I look forward to returning and seeing your lovelies, Kate) Hugs.

Linda said...

Those Malted Mystery fabrics are fabulous!

Quilter Kathy said...

That is an amazing list of mystery projects on the go! Enjoy your sewing!

Jennifer said...

I know what you mean on the holiday list taking over the quilting list - same here, but I am trying to find just a little time each day to do some sewing or stitching. I spy some red Mary Englebreit fabric in your Bonnie Hunter mystery parts - I have some of that too!