Tuesday, March 11, 2025
To Do List for the Week of 03/11/2025
Monday, March 10, 2025
Border 6 for the SAHRR
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Stitching Stuff: Week 10 of 2025
We are in that time of year where some days are spring, but more are still winter. Though that should change this next week. Early in the week we got the first of our March winds, they weren't fun if you were a semi on the highway. The not fun part of my week was discovering that we had to replace the rear wheel bareings on my car. Ouch, that hurt. Plus it meant two trips to Tulsa, so my sewing afternoons were cut cut short. Still it was a good week in the finding time to stitch department.
- 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
- 15 minute days/March = 8/8 days
- 15 minute days/2025 = 62/67 days
- Success rate = 92.54%
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
The Marble Mystery
I truly detest sewing to deadlines, but I really wanted to finish the Marble Mystery Quilt top in time to post it at the Meadow Mist Designs Marble Mystery quilt parade. The linky party closes at midnight and I didn't finish the quilt top till 3:30 this afternoon. That's cutting it a bit close for comfort.
The mystery started back in July of last year. One of my rules for mystery quilts is that the fabrics have to come from my stash (well at least most of the fabrics from the stash). The yardage requirements were pretty small for this mystery so I was able to pull out a bunch of leftovers.
The plan was to stay mostly monochromatic except for the butterfly print. Fabric placement was dictated by how much I had of each. But overall I'm pretty happy with how these all played together in the final quilt top.
Thank you Cheryl for another fun mystery. I'm hoping there's a new mystery this summer. I have lots of stash that needs to find just the right quilt.
February 2025 PHD Report
No surprise that February went fast. I just wasn't ready for how fast it went. Now that we've moved into March, it's time to post a February PHD report and join the linky party over at P Designs USA.
There's been no change in my PHD tracking sheet.
No finishes, but no new starts either. So not good, but not bad either. Though I've not had any finishes, there has been progress on several projects.
To get finishes, backings are needed. I didn't get very far with my plan to move Chocolate Marshmallows (Seabreeze Quilts) closer to finished, but I did at least find the fabrics and figured out how to piece the back. Moving this project closer to finished was my Chookshed Challenge for February.
Progress on Wild and Goosy (Bonnie Hunter) was limited. I didn't get many blue blocks finished. The March RSC color is yellow and all those blocks are finished. I'll keep working on the blue blocks this month along with sashing the finished yellow blocks.
Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt (Kevin the Quilter) blocks continue to be my leaders and enders project this year. I'm more than half way on each color.
I had hoped to get farther along with the Marble Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs) project during February. I've made a lot of progress the last few days in prep for meeting the deadline for the quilt parade from this mystery. All that progress will show up on the March report.
The March block for the 2025 Guild BOM was finished. One quarter done with this project.
Most of the month was spent working on the Stay at Home Round Robin project (Quilting Gail). I managed to finish border 5 by the end of February. There was a lot of progress on border 6 in March, but this is where the project was at the end of last month.
Even with all the focus on one project, there was no change in my project tracking spreadsheet.
Maybe not my best month for the PHD challenge. At least there was good progress on one project this month. The plan is to do better in March.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
To Do List for The Week of 03/04/2025
In spite of a weekend of pretty much nothing but stitching time, I still didn't do so well on my to do list for last week.
To Do List for 2/25/2025
1. 2025 SAHRR: Finish borders, 4, 5 and 6 - progress
2. 2025 Guild BOM: Start on April Blocks - no progress
3. Chocolate Marshmallow: Assemble backing - no progress
4. Marble Mystery: Finish assembling quilt - progress
5. Wild and Goosey: Make blue blocks, start sashing yellow ✔
6. Summer Scrap Quilt: Continue as leaders and enders ✔
It wasn't a bad week, I just had way too much on my list. The Stay At Home Round Robin is pretty intense, with a new prompt each week. If I concentrate on it, it's hard to get much else done. So a to do list of 6 was probably not wise. There are a couple of deadlines that drove the longer list. It's the same for this week. But I'm hoping after this week, I can back off and slow down a bit and concentrate on some longer range goals for 2025.
To Do List for 3/04/2025
1. Marble Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish quilt assembly
The deadline for submission for this mystery quilt parade is tomorrow. I've got all but 2 rows pieced, I just need to finish those, assemble and add the borders. Doable if I make this my priority for today.
2. 2025 Guild BOM: Start April Blocks
I only have two weeks till the next meeting and these blocks need to be finished.
3. 2025 SAHRR (Quilting Gail): Finish 6th border and add final borders.
All the blocks for the 6th border are finished. I have till the 26th to get all the borders added. That's doable.
4. On Ringo Lake (Bonnie Hunter): Find project box, determine next steps.
On Ringo Lake is my pick for #2 for the Chookshed Challenge. Grad Girl asked for a quilt for one of the guys graduating from her group and she picked out this one as one he might like. I've not done any work on this quilt since 2019. First step is to find the project box and figure out how many more blocks I need to make and if I'm sticking with Bonnie's setting plan or not.
5. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Assemble yellow blocks into 9-patches.
The RSC color for March is yellow, but I've finished all the yellow paper pieced blocks for this project. I've also finished all the orange and almost all the red. So the best plan to move this quilt forward seemed to be getting the blocks assembled into 9 patches prior to actually assembling the quilt. I'm also continuing to assemble the blue paper pieced blocks. That's the color I have the least of and need the most of in the quilt.
6. Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt (Kevin the Quilter): Continue and leaders and enders.
Both my blue and yellow piles have exceeded 100 blocks. This has been a really good leaders and enders project.
That's my list for this week. If I can make progress on each, even they aren't completely checked off, I'll be happy. Linking up with the Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
The 2025 SAHRR: Borders 5 and 6
Last time I posted about this project only two sides of border #4 were finished and attached. I did finish all the log cabin blocks for border #5.
Stitching Stuff: Week 9 of 2025
This week was one of recovery for me. The trip to Texas to see Grad Girl was a lot of fun. The timing of the trip coincided with a concert that both Grad Girl and I wanted to go to.
We had pretty good seats and thankfully were able to sit for the whole concert. The artist was Taemin, a member of the Kpop group Shinee. This was only my second Kpop concert and it was a very good one. The first one was a lot wilder. Shinee is one of the older Kpop bands, so many of the fans were older and not young girls. That makes a huge difference in how well you can hear the music. At least that was my take away from this concert. I'm lucky that Grad Girl's friends think it's fun that her mom likes Kpop and didn't bat an eye at me tagging along.
I did take my sewing machine along on the trip and got lots of sewing done over the weekend. I drove back on Monday and was just too tired when I got home to do anything on the stitching front. That day off shows up in this week's stitching metrics.
- 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
- 15 minute days/Feb = 25/28 days
- 15 minute days/2025 = 55/60 days
- Success rate = 91.67%
1. Gretchen 2. Julie in GA 3. maggie f 4. Melissa G 5. Deb in Canada | 6. Karen 7. DonnaleeQ 8. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting 9. Quilting Gail 10. Andrée at Quilting & Learning | 11. Frédérique 12. Jennifer in Indy 13. Bonnie in Va 14. amanda 15. Marsha's Spot |
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