It's Tuesday, which means coming clean on how you managed your sewing time the last 7 days. My week wasn't bad, I managed probably at least an hour in the sewing room for 6 of the last 7 days.
I was just too tired to sew on Wednesday, which happens sometimes. Most of this week has been spent on sewing the 4 borders for the Buck-a-Block quilt. I should be able to finish that top today.
Only 2 more days left in June. On Friday the year will be half over (Why am I always shocked at how fast that happens? Are you?) One of the reasons I started the 15 Minute Challenge was to help me meet some of my quilting goals, which I was getting way behind on back in March. I'm actually in pretty good shape on most of my goals. How are you doing on your goals for the year? Is the 15 Minute Challenge helping or is it a drag on your creativity? If you want to share your success (or rail about the evil stuff that keeps you from the sewing room), link up.
1. Jill | 2. 501quiltblocks | 3. Marti |
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