Tuesday, October 31, 2023

To Do List for the Week of 10/31/2023


Happy Halloween!  Our plans for the evening are to hand out candy to the kids who come by.  We used to have a lot of littles in the neighborhood, but like our daughter, many of them have grown up and left for college.  Not sure how many we'll get. It's going to be cold, plus it's a school night.  

Now back to the regularly scheduled To Do List.  There was no linky party post over at The Quilt Schmilt: For the Love of Fabric last week.  I know that Carol's been really busy with non-quilting commitments, hopefully she'll soon get back to her normal routine (Update: she did get a To Do Tuesday post up). Writing up a to do list has become a big help and motivator for me, so I'm going to continue posting my list.  

I scored 100% on last week's to do list. 

To Do List for 10/24/2023

1. Melodic Mystery: Prep top for quilting ✔

2. Malted Mystery: Continue to work on clue 4 ✔

3. Rhododendron Mystery: Continue quilt top assembly ✔

4. Wild and Goosey: Finish last 2 yellow blocks ✔

5. Chilhowie: Continue as leaders and enders project ✔

Five of five is definitely a good week.  This week won't be as productive. I'm going to take a long weekend and visit Grad Girl.  My Guy has to work, so we'll just have a girls weekend.  But that means I won't have much time for stitching. I'll have some time before leaving, but that still won't be my normal full week of stitching.  So we'll pare down this week's list a bit. 

To Do List for 10/31/2024

1. Macaron Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish label and binding. Sew to front and hand stitch to back.  

I'm in the process of sewing the binding strips together. Hopefully, I can get that done and get them attached to the quilt so I can take it with me and finish stitching down the binding while I'm visiting Grad Girl.  

2. Melodic Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Send out for quilting.

I found a box in my attic stash that would work.  I just need to add the packing material, seal it up and address it.  That should happen today. 

3. Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter): Continue as leader and enders.

All the component parts for block 8 have been constructed. Since I still have a bit of binding to stitch together, there will be just a bit of progress on block assembly before I leave.  

A very short list for this week. But finishing this list means one more finish and one well on it's way to finished.  So a short, but definitely sweet stitching week if I can check off the whole list.    


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Bonnie just did a post on information for her new yearly mystery - it sounds interesting but I don't know if I will do it - maybe save the clues again for just in case.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Short lists are okay!!! Have fun handing out candy!! Enjoy the costumes you'll see

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Happy Halloween! We don't get many trick-or-treaters anymore either, and I miss them. Looking forward to seeing your Macaron Mystery finish - happy binding!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

It sounds like a really reasonable list for the week. I hope you enjoy the finishing stitches on the Macaron Mystery quilt and your time with Grad Girl!

Sandra Walker said...

I love list-making, and do it in my day planner each week. I looove checking things off. Good luck with checking off yours. I love a leader/ender project - just got half of a makeup bag à la Postcard from Sweden made, all the HSTs for the second side ready to go.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I bet you enjoy seeing all of the trick or treaters' costumes! We only had our grandchildren and nephew visit since we have no neighbors. Woo hoo on meeting your goals! You have a great list of tasks to complete this week; I am sure you will complete them and much more.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

Looks like it was a good week. Hope you had a happy Halloween and that you enjoy your girls weekend!