Monday, September 16, 2024

Changing Design Wall

This year has been really good on the progress front. Maybe not as many finishes as I would like, but there has been good progress on multiple fronts.  We are half way through September and I've made good enough progress that I need to rethink my active project list.  Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter) is a finished quilt top and is off the active list for now. 

The final teal border really calms down all that orange.  Chilhowie is off the design wall and hanging in the closet waiting for it's turn for a backing and quilting.  

The Jewel Box blocks for Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework made a very short appearance on the design wall. 

These are packaged up and will go to the post office sometime this week.  I used up a few 4.5 and 5 inch scraps from my bin, all of the black fabric and all of one of the white on white fabrics. So now I have a bit more room in the scrap bin and was able to take some odds and ends out of the fabric closet. Definitely a win/win. 

The latest project up on the design wall is Meadow Mist Designs' Marble Mystery.   

The 9 patch blocks are finished, I'm still working on the flying geese. So far, I'm happy with my fabric choices.  We'll see if that holds once we get the October clue.   

I'll need to figure out what projects to add back to the works in progress list. Those decisions will be in tomorrow's post.  Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.  


Linda said...

I like those Jewel Box blocks, the colors really work well together. What kind of backing will you choose for Chilhowie?

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, Chilhowie is a beauty! Love the shadows and color gradation. Fun purple project too!


Well--aren't you moving right along--good for you!!! And it will be fun for you today--to plan the next ones to work on--hugs, di

Barbara said...

Chilhowie turned out great. The teal border really was a nice touch.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Chilhowie looks amazing, Kate.Such pretty vibrant colors in this quilt. Your nine patches are precious- love the butterfly blocks in the center. Have a great week. Hugs.