Saturday, September 28, 2024

Week 126 Photo Challenge: Leading Lines

This last week went fast.  As usual, I was scrambling yesterday to come up with a photo for this week's challenge:

I thought this one would be easier than the challenge cards we've had the last couple of weeks.  The camera came out yesterday and some photos were taken ensuring there was a photo for today's post. Then I uploaded my the photos for the last week and found a couple of options from some earlier shots. 

Kate: White Lines

Capturing the textures was my goal when I took the photo.  But it works perfectly for this challenge.  The lines lead your eye to the center in the upper right corner.  It's definitely a better photo than what I came up with yesterday. 

My Guy's photo is my favorite this week from a visual perspective. 

My Guy: To The Horizon

My Guy probably took this one while he was out for one of his after work walks, so this is close to sunset.  Only he would get so lucky to have the clouds line up like that for a photo. It's like they knew exactly what he needed and just posed for him!  

Grad Girl has been working really hard on getting ready for her big exam next month.  She finally finished the written part of the exam and was able to get back in the lab a bit this week.  And as usual, came up with an interesting perspective on the challenge.   

Grad Girl: Schlenk Lines

What's a Schlenk line?  It's an apparatus used when you are working with moisture or air sensitive chemicals.  Part of the apparatus is hooked up to an inert (unreactive gas) such as nitrogen and part is hooked up to a vacuum to help remove excess air/gases/solvent vapors from the reaction vessel.  You can follow the tubing from the left edge of the photo to the right edge. Definitely a different take on leading lines.  It's always fun to see what Grad Girl finds in the lab to meet the week's challenge.  

Next week's challenge should be interesting.  

Grad Girl will probably have the advantage this week.  My Guy and I will need to get creative. 


Sara said...

Spectacular sky - that is one of the best things about living on the prairie. Your photo is quite amazing too. Great job capturing texture and movement.


all 3 are so different--yet really good--me I would of thought of 'lines' on a road!!!!lol--great job all 3--hugs, di

Barbara said...

Wow…your guy really did get lucky with those clouds. Fun photos as always. Now I’ll be curious to see what you do with the smoke. I’ve tried taking photos of smoke before. It isn’t easy.

Donna said...

They're all good this week! Love the different subject matter and how each one relates to the topic.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Fabulous job by all in this week's challenge. I do have to ask, Kate. Is your photo of some type of wheel? It is so interesting. Oklahoma lends itself to some spectacular sky and sunset shots.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kate, I love looking at your family's photos. It's great to see such very different perspectives!