Saturday, September 21, 2024

Week 125 Photo Challenge: Parenthood

The last couple of challenge cards have been hard.  Last week's card was definitely harder than the week before.  How do you photograph - 


We all have photos, not beautiful photos, but we each came up with a photo for the challenge. 

I struggled and struggled.  My brain just could not come up with something. This was the best I could come up with. 

Kate: No! That is Not Breakfast!  

To be honest, Grad Girl has never been big on breakfast.  Or maybe I should say, she prefers to eat her breakfast much closer to what her dad and I consider to be lunch. Grad Girl was fairly good about eating good for her stuff other than on Easter, when yes candy was allowed for breakfast.  But I think all parents at some point deal with the "I don't want XYX", I want chips, candy, soda, etc.    

My Guy went in a different direction. 

My Guy: They've Gone

We both feel this photograph.  Grad Girl left the nest seven years ago and we still miss her.  This was a robin nest and neither of us can remember if the babies made it out of the nest.  We've had one pair of robins that have made several nests around the house over the last few years and have had no luck at all raising their babies.  

I have to admit, my shot was inspired by Grad Girl's photo.  

Grad Girl:  We Have Food at Home

With both of us working full time in operations when she was little, it was often 6:30 PM or later by the time one of us picked up Grad Girl and the other made it home. By that time all of us were hungry, so even though yes we had food at home, no one had the patience or energy to cook dinner. It wasn't unusual for us to be in the kitchen talking about dinner and that little girl would grab her diaper bag, drag it to the back door saying "Bye Bye, Eat!" So eating out was a norm many nights. As a graduate student on stipend, Grad Girl is more likely to remined herself she has food at home to keep herself from splurging on a take out meal after a full day in the lab.

The last two weeks have been a real challenge. This week we are back to a more generic challenge. 

Fingers crossed that means more diverse and interesting photos this week.  



How interesting your photo challenge and photos were this week--I bet you are glad that card is back in the pack--now for this next week's adventure--will be waiting to see what you '3' come up with--have fun--hugs, di

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You all knocked it out of the ball park on this week's challenge. Each photo shares a story of parenthood that most of us can relate too. I had to laugh when I saw yours and Grad Girl's photos. I remember those "back and forth days" with youngin's on what was breakfast and having food. LOL. Great job!

Barbara said...

Oh my gosh…those are so much fun. Yours made me laugh.

Linda said...

I loved them all! Made me laugh and cry. That's a good sign, right? :)