Monday, July 29, 2024

Progress on the Old and New

I'm a bit late getting a post up today.  It took a while to shake off the mental cob webs this morning for some reason. Now that my coffee cup is mostly empty, brain function seems to be restored. It was a good week for progress. I went to the guild late night sew this week and made good progress on getting Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter) assembled.  

The quilt was trimmed up over the weekend and I've started on the borders.  As is typical, my borders won't be the same as Bonnie's.  I've kept the narrow first white border, but from there my version will look a bit different.  

There was also good progress on Kate's Choice, another 3 blocks completed with a fourth almost finished. 

Only two more blocks left to complete after this set.  Then I'll have to start including "learning to quilt" time in my to do list.  Kate's Choice probably won't be done by the end of the year, but I'd like to have at least starting the quilting before then. 

So that's what's going on in my sewing room this week.  Linking up with Monday Design Wall and Patchwork & Quilts.   


Nann said...

The strong, dense prints for IW are really striking! I know what you mean about clearing cobwebs some mornings.

Bonnie said...

You are planning on quilting Kate's Choice yourself? You might want to start with a much smaller piece to figure out what works best for you. I have several quilts I want to do on my domestic but I'm trying to finish something else before I start them. (And, honestly, I'm tired of the other piece but I want it done so, no easier pieces come first.) Have a great week.

Shelina said...

Your Indigo Way looks fabulous! I look forward to seeing your border choices.


Oh my--you had some company in the cobweb department this morning--me and a friend was waiting for the Monday morning Van to take us to Aldi's and Jo Ann's Fabrics and we both had that going on---cobweb's are everywhere I guess--
what pretty blocks you are making in your quilts--
hugs, di

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I digo Way looks wonderful, Kate! I love that design and your color choices, too. Good going on the Kate's Choice blocks as well!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Monday, Kate. Your Indigo Way is looking amazing. I look forward to seeing it with the borders. I love your Kate's Choice blocks. Snails Trail turned out fabulous- such pretty fabrics in this quilt. Have a great week. The World's Longest Yard Sale is starting this week. So I will not be in the sewing room as much; I will be searching for quilts at the sales. LOL. Happy quilting.

dq said...

So much progress, Kate!!!

Jennifer said...

Ooh, your top looks so good!