Sunday, February 5, 2023

Stitching Stuff: Week 5 of 2023

The first month of 2023 is in the books, now it's time to see how well we all do at moving our various projects along in this shortest month of the year. 

My stitching week got off to a delayed start due the trip to Fort Worth, TX to meet up with Grad Girl.  I drove home in freezing fog/drizzle last Sunday. The defroster was on high the whole 2 hour drive home to keep the windshield free of ice. Thankfully the roads didn't get bad till after I got home. After that drive I wasn't really in the mood for stitching.  However, the rest of week went well.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Jan = 27/31 days
  • 15 minute days/Feb = 4/4 days
  • 15 minute days/2023 = 31/35 days
  • Success rate = 88.57%

My goal for 2023 was to stitch at least 75% of the days this year, so far so good on that front.  I didn't set a goal for my stash, but do keep track of what's used.  For January the usage was 4.5 yards. I'm hoping that goes up as I finish up a few quilts. 

I finally updated my word for 2023.  My sewing room is a mess and needs a big overhaul. So my focus every Sunday morning is going to be cleaning up and organizing.  I wasn't home last Sunday, but the Sunday before processing scraps was most of my morning clean up activity.  This is all the trimmings from my efforts.  

And here's the strips that came from all that trimming.  

It doesn't look like much does it?  Every little bit helps, but I've got a lot more scraps to work through.  I did decide after looking over what I'd been saving, if a scrap is over 6.5" wide, it either gets cut down to smaller bits or added back to the fat quarter drawer depending on size.  I've been using my 1.5" strips in my SAHRR, it's been nice to have strips already cut to size.  

Have you managed to keep up with all your stitching stuff this week?  Link up below and share how it's going (link will be open till Thursday morning). 

1. Janice
2. Ivani
3. Gretchen
4. Frederique
5. Julie in GA
6. maggie f
7. Karen
8. Colletta's Kitchen Sink
9. Marti
10. DonnaleeQ
11. Jennifer in Indy
12. Quilting Gail
13. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
14. Shasta @ High Road
15. Lyndsey
16. Carol Andrews
17. Andre at Quilting and Learning
18. DonnaleeQ

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Ivani said...

Your scraps system is very similar to mine, Kate. A little bit every Sunday and your sewing room will be organized and working as you need it to be and your success rate is excellent! Happy new week!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Even a little bit of organizing scraps is progress, happy stitching!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Great scrap organization, every Sunday, you are going to have a pretty tidy studio! Great stats of the week!

Julie in GA said...

That's a great idea to do some organizing and trimming of scraps every week! I should do the same. Your stats are looking excellent!

Linda said...

I just commented on your photo post that I hoped you missed any flight delays, but I see that you drove instead. I'm glad you stayed just ahead of it. Good luck with your organizing!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad the ice didn't stop you from getting home from Texas - that was nasty weather wasn't it. Somehow my niece north of Austin kept her electricity and my brother in Plano did too - there were so many without.

Marti said...

I bet that was a stressful drive! I like your idea of a Sunday morning cleanup. Do you keep your scraps by size or by color? Or both?

Jennifer said...

Glad you made it home before the weather got really bad and hope you've fared it all okay. Great idea to cut down the scraps - I keep mine in buckets and have one bucket for each color - they are really overflowing and I need to do some pruning. I've made a few scrap quilts, but they don't seem to have much of an impact to the volume of scraps!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

So glad you made it home safely . Great job on staying on track on your quilting goal. Pretty scraps of fabric are all ready to go into a fabulous project. Happy quilting.

Lyndsey said...

Freezing fog is no fun to drive in, I very pleased you got home safely. Organising scraps is fun but a long slow process. It also one I need to get on with before I disappear under a scrap mountain.

Shelina said...

Organize is a great word for the year. I have several boxes of scraps that I need to go through. I have a nice drawer system to put scraps but I need to just dedicate a time to do it and see how much I can get done.

Carol Andrews said...

Glad you got to visit Grad Girl and sorry to hear the trip home was nasty with ugly weather. Great work on organizing your scraps. I think that’s the biggest reason I have an Accuquilt. It makes scrap sorting so much easier! 😉

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kate, your drive back from your daughter's sounds horrible. We've been getting blizzard like conditions here, but today the sun is shining and the temperature is very reasonable :-) Good for you for cutting and organising your scraps. It's such a tedious job. Except for strips in one box, all my other scraps are by colour without having been cut because I use them in art quilts rather than blocks. It's everything else that I have to content with - hand stitching material, book making, etc. I hope that you have a great week. Take care.

Susan said...

I completely spaced blogging about last week, but I'm doing it today, so I'll link Monday. =) You have quite a bit going on. I like the little FG blocks you are doing for RSC.

Sandy Panagos said...

I love having scraps cut up into useable sizes. It's so handy when you feel like some mindless sewing!