Monday, August 28, 2023

A Rainbow of Butterflies

I'm not ready for it to be Monday again. I don't leave the house to work these days, but Monday does mean a return to household chores and other necessary things that really have to get done.  We spent most of the weekend in Tulsa, so I didn't get in my usual weekend stitching time.  But it was nice to do something different.  We volunteered at Wild Brew, a fundraising event for George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center.  My Guy has helped rebuild Masked Bobwhite habitat in Arizona and spends a number of his Sundays driving/hiking all over the county to monitor nesting activity of Bald Eagles. The center does a lot for endangered bird species all over the country.   

Even though I didn't get in my normal stitching time, I did make good progress on my scrappy butterflies project. 

I have all the alternate blocks made and up on the design wall.  To finish out the Irish Chain pattern, I'm adding a top and bottom row of half blocks, plus half blocks at the end of each row so that all the butterflies are framed.  I've gotten started on those, but didn't get any of them up on the design wall.  With some diligence this week, those should get done and it will be on to the borders next week.

Linking up with Design Wall Monday, Patchwork & Quilts and Oh Scrap.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that sounds like an interesting weekend!

Sara said...

The butterflies are looking delightful. Your weekend sounds like it was fun. I'm hoping my husband - IF he does retire - will get involved in some volunteer project.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your butterfly top! The plan to frame it with half blocks sounds perfect. That sounds like a great organization to be involved with, too!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

That's fantastic progress on the scrappy butterflies project. I look forward to seeing how the half blocks set everything off. Have a great week!

Nann said...

It is Monday but this is a fifth-week-of the-month and I'm enjoying it! We went to Bartlesville on our honeymoon (no time, no money = travel close to home) and went to Woolaroc. That was before the avian research center (I looked that up).

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

your weekend sounds so interesting!! And how cool to monitor Bald Eagles - we have them from time to time here and I always want to watch them - so amazing

Your butterfly quilt is just perfect - I really like the chain effect that you have goin on there!!!

Barbara said...

Good idea to add the half blocks. It’s looking great.