Sunday, October 3, 2021

Stitching Stuff: Week 40 of 2021


It's been a week for mostly rest and relaxation at Life in Pieces.  My Guy and I took a long weekend away from the house to recharge our batteries.  It's been a nice weekend.  I'm taking one more day off before heading back to to work on Tuesday, My Guy will have to show up at the office tomorrow.  There's been a lot of hand work this week, but that still counts as stitching time.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Sept = 25/30 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 230/275 days
  • Success rate = 83.64%
I ended up working late the night before our long weekend. By the time I got home, I was too hungry and tired to enjoy any stitching time.  But it was still a good end to one of my better months for stitching time this year. 

It was also a good month for sewing room organization.  I've been trying to clean up my bags of scraps by trimming all the left overs into usable strips.  That's been going well, so well that I had pretty much filled up the gallon ziplock bags I've been using as storage.  It was time to reassess how I was going to store those strips.  I found a potential solution at Hobby Lobby.  


 These segmented boxes let me sort the strips by color and pack them so I could see what was in each compartment.  Hobby Lobby only had one box, but I found them at Anne's and order a few more. 

These boxes will definitely work.  But I needed more then 4. 

I ended up with 6. But that covers strip sets from 1.5" up to 6.5". Some boxes with the larger strips have two sizes in them. These will be stacked underneath my cutting table.  Hopefully this will help with keep the sewing room cleaned up and make it easier to use the strips when get back to making scrappy quilts.  

Did you get in some good sewing/organization time this week?  

1. Ivani
2. Chrisknits
3. Meloney
4. DonnaleeQ
5. maggie f
6. Sherrie
7. Quilting Gail
8. DawnyK
9. Shasta @ High Road
10. amanda

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Ivani said...

Love your new segmented boxes for organizing your scraps. Never seen plastic boxes like thoses here...It seems I am just in need of several of them.
Happy stitching.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are great boxes for organizing your scraps, Kate! I like your idea of trimming them into usable strips. Mine are only organized by color, and I pull them out and cut when I need something. So glad you got that long weekend with your guy!

maggie fellow said...

nice boxes

Sara said...

Those segmented boxes are very clever!! Good find. A long weekend away sounds wonderful. I could use a change of scenery myself.

DawnyK said...

So glad you got relaxation time. Well deserved!!! Love your organization. I'm still working on my plan for scrap quilts. I have two patterns that I am working on designed by Bonnie Hunter. Those are my slow and steady Leader/Ender projects. Enjoy your extra day off!

Shelina said...

Those boxes look like they work great for organizing your scraps. I bought comic book boards and am working on properly storing the yardage I have to buy now, either online or pick up in store both have minimums of at least one yard, and sometimes two. I was planning on using a baby item for an item of clothing, but I might have given the box to my daughter. I only kept the things we made - some embroidery on a bib, some paint for a Halloween outfit. I couldn't think of any other fun clothing photo. I will try again next week.

seabreezequilts said...

You are very organised, my scraps are all just in piles. The only craft I have properly organised are my embroidery threads. The sewing stuff just gets left in piles until I can't bare it any more and I have a big tidy up. Have a good week and glad you had a nice break, that cottage is too cute.