Sunday, July 21, 2019

Week 29 of 2019: Stitching and De-Stashing

With all the heat advisories, this was a perfect weekend to just stay in and stitch.  Unfortunately, that hasn't been my plan for the weekend, well really not for the whole week.  It's been another challenging one on the finding 15 minutes to stitch most days.  Hopefully it's been easier to find time to play in your sewing room this week.

Work took up several evenings this week.  It was hard to make the trek up the stairs to the sewing room a couple of nights, but I did manage to eek out 15 minutes each night. 

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/July = 19/20 days
15 minute days/2019 = 177/201 days
Success rate = 88.06%

Lack of sewing machine time makes for an anemic stash report. 

Fabric out this week = 0.38 yards
Fabric out for 2019 = 29.54 yards
More fabric in than out

At least there is a bit out, that beats the nothing out from last week. 

There's a new mystery quilt along starting up this month, the Mosaic Mystery Quilt along over at Meadow Mist Designs.

This will be the 4th Meadow Mist Designs mystery quilt along I've done.  It's one clue a month, so that works in my schedule.  Cheryl's directions are always so clear and she makes it easy to pick a good fabric combination.  Here's my fabric selection for the quilt along.

The neutral on the left is the background and the purple will be the border (unless I have enough of the butterfly fabric).  The gold at the top is a left over from a previous project. The butterfly print and the dark purple are from the stash.  I have no idea how old either is. It will be good to get both out of the stash and into a project. If Cheryl follows past practice, August's clue will be the cutting instructions. So there's plenty of time to play along if you are looking for a project to use up some stash.    

I'm off on a business trip this week, thankfully it's only two days. That should be it for work related travel this year.  I'm ready for things to slow down a bit. I'm hoping for a nothing but sewing day next Sunday.  We'll see how that goes. 

So how well did you manage your stitching time this week? 

1. Julie in GA
2. Pack Rat With a Plan
3. karen
4. Meloney
5. Chrisknits
6. Amanda
7. Shasta
8. Deana
9. Christina's Handicrafts

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Libby in TN said...

Nice color combo! I have had that gold fabric in several other colorways but none is left so I think it's pretty old.

Julie in GA said...

Your fabrics for the mystery look beautiful together! I haven't decided yet if I will participate this year or not.

Pack Rat With a Plan said...

Your fabric choices are fantastic. Can't wait to see it all come together.

Meloney said...

Pretty purples! Love the butterfly.

chrisknits said...

Does weeks you're the predator, some weeks you're the prey. OK, that's not quite what I was going for, but I can't think of a better metaphor?

seabreezequilts said...

Sorry its been hot, its been warmish here but not hot. And sorry not much stitching has happend I've probably done enough for everyone this week. I'm headed for an early night Im tired tired tired.

Alison V. said...

I love your choices for the Mosaic MQ! I need to get settled on mine this week.

Shelina said...

I love your fabric selection - I am pretty partial to purple!

dq said...

Those are rich and beautiful mystery quilt fabrics. I am certain it will be gorgeous. I checked it out.

Jennifer said...

Great fabric for the mystery quilt!