Monday, June 3, 2019

Design Wall Updates

The typical Monday design wall post is a bit late today.  There just wasn't time this morning to write one. I was busy sitting on suitcases to zip them up so we could catch our flight home. We spent a long weekend looking at scenery like this.  

That's definitely not the view from our dining room window.  We spent an extra long weekend in Colorado hiking, riding trains, 

checking out the old silver mines, 

and the odd optical illusion.

We had a lot of fun. But I'm glad to be home.  Most of my week was spent on hand stitching in the evenings when we were chilling from all the other fun stuff. But before we left for the airport last Wednesday afternoon, I did manage to get all the blocks of the Storm at Sea quilt sewn together.

 Storm at Sea
Paper Piecing Class by Carrie Randell (Quilter's Hideaway)

I've even made start on the pieced border, but there's not much to show on that as yet. 

With all the SAS blocks sewn together, that project could come off the big design wall and the completed blocks from the Daisy Chain Mystery quilt went up.

Daisy Chain Mystery
2019 Little Bunny Quilts Mystery
by Alison of Honey, Bunny & Doll Designs

I'm really happy how the fabric choices worked out. Now to get this sewn into a flimsy so I can link up with Alison's final linky party.  There are some really fun versions already posted there.  

I'm belatedly linking up with Monday Making and the Monday Design Wall.  


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Glad to hear you got the chance for a vacation! Looks like it was busy and fun! I love your Storm at Sea - pretty colors, and those blocks really make an interesting pattern. Daisy Chain looks like it will sew up pretty quickly!

Barbara said...

Oh my gosh...I love that picture of you guys in helmets. Looks like a wonderful trip. We’re heading to Colorado this September, and so I’m glad you got there first to straighten the place up. Looks like you had fun.

Alison V. said...

Your storm at sea looks awesome and I can't wait to see your Daisy Chain top together! :D

Denise :) said...

What a cool trip!! That optical illusion piece would translate into a very interesting quilt, don't you think?! I'm always fascinated by storm at sea quilts ... yours is no exception. One of these days! :)

DawnyK said...

Love how the Storm at Sea turned out!!! I love CO. Spent my 10-year anniversary there. Enjoy being home.

Rebecca Grace said...

Ooh, your Storm at Sea is going to be FABULOUS!! That pattern has been on my bucket list for a long time now. Your Daisy Chain looks great, too. It looks like you have lots of exciting sewing to come back to after your trip!

Marti.Lee said...

Oooh, sounds like you had fun! I've always wanted to ride that train. You made great progress on the Daisy Chain Mystery since the last time I saw it.

Shelina said...

I am glad you had a good time on your vaqcation. Looks like quality family time. It reminds me of a time we took a train to Pike's Peak and had a lot of fun. Both your quilts are great, but the design for the mystery quilt is especially interesting. I haven't seen that layout before.

Emily said...

Looks like you had a great time! I'm jealous of that view!

Bonnie said...

Great sounding quick trip. Looks like you are having lots of fun. Your Storm at Sea looks fabulous. Daisy Chain is looking really good. Is there a border coming for it?

Cheryl said...

Looks like you had an awesome vacation and the Daisy Chain looks great!

The Joyful Quilter said...

What FUN!!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery from your trip. I always feel like I need a vacation from any vacation!! LOL

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I am so glad you got away!! and to one of my favorite parts of CO!! Glad you had a great time - and hopefully you got a little rest!

Preeti said...

Beautiful vacation pictures. Are you in them? I don't know if I have ever seen a pic of you. Storm at Sea is on my to-do list - sometime in the next decade :-)

QuiltGranma said...

Was that the steam train in SW Colorado... cannot remember the name of the town, it is just east of Cortez?

QuiltGranma said...

I'm thinking maybe that train was from Durango, CO?

Mary R. said...

I love the storm at sea quilt! I don't recall ever seeing one with bands of color like that. It is really great.

Jennifer said...

I love views of the mountains! Hope you all had a great time. Love the finished SAS blocks and your mystery quilt looks great!