Monday, March 18, 2019

Weekend Stitching: Finally a Finish

Spring finally made an appearance this weekend.  Temperatures hit the high 60's with lots of sun.  Even better, it's spring break time so the Scientist in Training made it back to town Friday evening in time for dinner.  This is her first trip home since the start of spring semester. It's been nice to have her home, though she's spent most of Saturday crashed out on the couch and then most of Saturday evening working on homework. She'll be home all week, so we've got plans for some fun stuff.  Consequently stitching may or may not happen a few days this week. 

While the SIT was napping there was time to finally get photos of my first finish for 2019.  

 Inverted Star (Second Star to the Right)
 Inverted Star block by Jessica Boschem of Common Threads available from Blueprint 
Setting by Kate, Started January 1, 2014, Finished March 11, 2019

Inverted Star (aka Second Star to the Right) is now finished!  I'm really happy with how this quilt turned out.  The Inverted Star blocks were my 2014 Rainbow Scrap Challenge Project.  The Sawtooth Stars were stitched as part of my 2017 RSC projects.  So it took a while to get this one done, but the extra effort was definitely worth it.  

Trudy did a wonderful job with the quilting.  I've haven't washed this one yet, but it's going to have lots of wonderful texture once it's out of the dryer.  Here's how it looks from the back. 

The backing is an older Connecting Threads line that I ordered when it was on sale. It's as bright as the front is.  

The borders were quilted with simple loops. I didn't have enough of the white used for the Inverted Star blocks to make the borders so I had to use another white from the stash.  They match well enough that you have to look hard even when you are up close to notice that the quilt uses two different tone on tone whites.  

The label has been posted on the blog before, but just to wrap it all up, here's the rough copy.  The SIT wrote a very nice note for her writing buddy.  The quilt was intended as as college graduation present, but the SIT decided to wait till Christmas to gift this one. There's a quilt in progress for the other writing buddy in her group. That quilt is on the list to finish before the end of the year, so she'll be able to gift both quilts at the same time.  

So one finish in the books and a second one almost finished.  Not a bad start to 2019.  Linking up with Monday Making, Monday Design Wall, and Main Crush Monday.  I'll also be linking up with the First Quarter 2019 Finish Along once that is posted. 


Nann said...

Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful RSC quilt! The frames around the blocks make them stand out. And the border!! Super job, Kate!

(You can tell I like it if I use four exclamation points and I've had only one cup of coffee.)

SandyPA said...

Beautiful finish! I love that you used two years of RSC sewing to make this.
Sandy at

Alison V. said...

This is absolutely gorgeous and will be a wonderful gift! I have loved watching this quilt go from blocks to top to finished quilt!

Judy D in WA said...

It's absolutely wonderful! This is a very special gift and I'm sure will be treasured forever.

Jayne said...

What a gorgeous first finish for the year! It's just gorgeous! I can't say enough about the beauty of rainbow quilts...this fits right in with my love of color!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Wow!!! Its so beautiful!! Have a great week with the SIT!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Inverted Star is just gorgeous, Kate! That is a wonderful finish, and it must feel really good to have it done after the time you've spent on it. Have a great week with your SIT home!

Quilter Kathy said...

Congratulations Kate on a really fabulous finish!
Such a great design and so much time and energy went into the making over several years!
Just amazing!

Shelina said...

Congratulations on a beautiful finish! You are right, those stars around the border really help set off the big stars. Enjoy your week!

Barbara said...'s fantastic! Love it. Great border design, and a wonderful take on the RSC.

The Joyful Quilter said...

It's just as awesome as I thought it would be. Congrats on a fabulous scrappy finish!!

Run 'n Stitch said...

Those bright rainbow colors really pop against that white fabric. I just love it. Your SIT's friend is pretty darn lucky.

Cathy said...

It’s absolutely beautiful! Congtrats on a stellar finish!

Katie Z. said...

Congratulations! You did a great job, and it’s fabulous that you have another finish.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Such a beautiful quilt! Congratulations on your lovely finish

chrisknits said...

Yay! It's done and looks wonderful. I bet no one will ever notice the different backgrounds. Job well done!

Wendy F said...

Fantastic stars and wonderful setting! It will be loved. Thanks for sharing.

Julie in GA said...

What a gorgeous quilt! Congratulations on a beautiful finish. I'm sure the recipient will be thrilled to receive this fabulous gift!

Libby in TN said...

I've always admired that quilt - it is so fresh and colorful.

Vicki in MN said...

Your little saw tooth stars are just the perfect touch for the inverted stars. Very nicely done!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful finish! I love the rainbow blocks and that star border is awesome!

MissPat said...

This has been one of my favorites of all your WIPs and the Sawtooth Star border just takes the Inverted Stars to another level (out of this world?). Enjoy your week with the SIT. It will go too fast.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Great finish!!!

Marti said...

It is a beautiful quilt! Isn't it great when a quilt is beautiful during every phase? I always liked those inverted stars when you were making them.

Sandra Walker said...

Oh Kate, having watched you birth this one for a while, it is SUCH joy to see it all done! I love that you combined two years' RSC projects into this one quilt. I truly think all our RSC quilts are just the best!

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

I adore this quilt! Especially the way you added the border of stars. It's a great finish Kate!

dq said...

Your second finish is a delight. I love love that border of stars. The colors are all so happy.

Jennifer said...

That is one lucky friend! This quilt is one of my favorites of yours and it is the one that inspired me to join rsc last year!

Emily said...

Wow, Kate! This is beautiful!!!! I LOVE the sawtooth star border. The inverted star blocks are lovely. What an amazing finish! Congratulations!

Sandy Panagos said...

I've been catching up on reading your blog (I was so far behind). I had to stop and comment on this one. I really enjoyed following this quilt come together. It is absolutely gorgeous!