Sunday, November 11, 2018

Week 45 of 2018: Stitching and De-stashing

It's November and winter seems to know that its time has come.  A record low was recorded at the Tulsa airport yesterday morning.  Glad I was tucked up on the couch cuddling under quilt with a warm cup of coffee, with no where I had to be yesterday. 

It's also Sunday, which means it's time to assess how well the stitching and de-stashing are going. 

First the state of the stitching for the week:

15 minutes stitching days/week = 6/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/Nov = 9/10 days
15 minutes stitching days/2018 = 294/314
Success rate = 93.63%

Time change has really been messing with my sleep and there was just one day that going to bed was preferable to doing any stitching. I've still managed to get in some stitching more than 90% of the time, so that goal is still on track.  You can share how well you did on finding time to stitch at the bottom of the post, Mr Linky is all set up.

The stash management for 2018 hasn't been so good.  That's been off track for months now. 

Fabric used this week = 0.88 yards
Fabric used in 2018:  39.52 yards
More in than out for 2018

Still there was a bit more going out with nothing new coming in.  That's a good week on the stash management front these days. Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the weekly stash report. 

I've been doing a bit of hand stitching this week, trying to get caught up with the Christmas Mystery blocks.

This is peak at the second Dresden Plate wreath.  The inner circle is all stitched down, but I just started on the outer fan blades.  Linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday. I hope to make a bit more progress today.  

So how did you do on finding time to stitch this week?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Meloney
3. maggie f
4. MartiDIY
5. Aileen
6. Shasta

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Denise :) said...

We had our first heavy frost this morning and we've got SNOW in the forecast for Tuesday. What?? Your Dresden is looking good (and so pretty)! :)

The Cozy Quilter said...

The blanket stitch is such a nice way to sew your dresdens down. I’m working on using up my fabric too. I’ve decided I need to go through all my fabrics and sort them out better. I have them by colours in plastic drawers but some need to be divided into lights and darks...

Barbara said...

I like how you’re doing your Dresdens. I’ve never made a Dresden block, but the Sundress quilt is set with them. Guess I’ll get my first chance in the new year when I start sewing that quilt together.

Donna said...

Good numbers out. We had snow this week. :(
We don't usually get snow this early.

Quilting Gail said...

Even if the stash busting isn't great, you're still doing fantastic with your 15 minutes / day of stitching! YEAH!!!
Happy Quilting! :-)

chrisknits said...

There is a season and time for all crafting. You will use up the yardage eventually? Lovely neat its on your Dresden.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Congratulations, you did well ;) Love your dresden plates, pretty fabrics too

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

We woke up to snow this morning, and more still coming down! Definitely a stitching day! Enjoy your Sunday, Kate - I liked the peak at your pretty Christmas fabrics.

Marti said...

Cuddled up with a quilt sounds nice. You had a good sewing week too. I actually sewed this week and will make a post in a minute but wanted to check out blogs first.

Marti said...

Oops. It's been so long since I've made a sewing post that I forgot I had another blog for it. Would you delete my first link please?

Shelina said...

The time change got me too. As soon as I got off work, it felt like midnight! I'm recovering slowly. Glad you were able to get 6 days of stitching in.

Susan said...

I really am NOT a fan of DST. I don't feel that we are saving anything, we're just messing up our inner clocks. Yay you for getting to stitch 6 days, and using a little fabric. I like the fabrics in your Dresden Plate wreath.