Thursday, November 18, 2010

Favorite Thngs Friday - November 19th

Thursday evening in the States, just one more work day in the week.  The illustrious hostess of Favorite Things Friday, Mrs. P over at Quilting in My Pyjamas, is well into her Friday afternoon (it's 9 PM central time Thursday in OK, 1:30 PM Friday in her part of the world).   Isn't that cool?  OK, well, I think it's cool to know that somewhere in the world it's already Friday. 

Since we've established that it is indeed Friday somewhere, I should move right along to my Favorite Thing.  Well this week, I guess it's things.  If I didn't have one of these there were be a lot fewer pictures of kiddo.

My guy gave me this for Mother's Day a couple of years ago.  I carry it in my purse most days.  This is my "quilt show" camera that I use to take pictures of all those beautiful quilts at the shows.  It's also, my "oooh, I like that sunrise camera", "oooh, I like that flower camera", and my "oh quick, where's the camera" camera.

As much as I like my little camera, I love my Canon 20D!

For most of my quilt photography, I use a Tamron Telephoto lens

With a Canon Speedlite 580EXII flash

And a Ray Flash ring flash.  Which is great for spreading light across the whole area of a bed size quilt. 

My husband is a photography enthusiast and he takes wonderful photos.  Kiddo has taken photography at school and though she doesn't have a digital SLR, she gets some pretty amazing shots with her point and shoot.  We have a standing rule when we travel, anyone can call for a halt if they see a shot they really want to get.  It can take us a while to get where we are going sometimes.  But, we've made some incredible discoveries by getting off the beaten path when we make time to stop and get the cameras out.  So though I love taking pictures, my very favorite times are when we are sitting at some coffee shop passing our cameras around to see how we each captured the day. 

What's your Favorite Thing this week? 


Michelle said...

These are awesome favorite things, and what makes them so awesome is how you and your family utilize them to enrich your relationships and your life.

Helsie said...

I love my camera too !

Shevvy said...

I think its great that you all enjoy taking and share the photos. I don't carry a camera separately, but my phone camera has saved the day a few times and taken surprisingly good snaps.

Larri said...

Fabulous favorite, Kate! How wonderful you all have a passion for photography. The road trips off the regular paths are usually the best. Thanks for sharing! Happy FTF! :o) Larri

Marie said...

oooh Kate love the camera equipment -- I'm green with envy!

Linda in Arkansas said...

I wish I knew as much about cameras has your family does. And it's wonderful that you all share in this hobby. I love the halt rule. Just for the fun of it I think I'll try it next time we go on a trip and see if it works for our family.

seabreezequilts said...

OOOH serious camera gadget envy here.

Paulette said...

I'd love to learn more about photography. If I've learned one thing from blogging the past 10 months, it's that a point and shoot camera is sometimes woefully lacking. Interesting to hear what works for you, and how your family enjoys taking photos and sharing.

Shay said...

Ok I am photograpically challenged big time. All those flashy type things look expensive. This explains why your photographs always look so cool!

Your FTf has inspired me to learn more about how I might be able to get better shots with my camera, and also to really research before I buy my next one !

Marg said...

I would love to be able to use a more advanced camera than my point and shoot. I have been able to take some fabulous shots with it (occasionally), and I'm planning to take photography classes next year.
Wonderful that all your family enjoy photography. I love where you said you sit at a coffee shop and pass your cameras around to share your photos.

Baa-Me Kniits said...

I love photography and would love to get better at capturing the moment my way. Have just upgraded to a digital/SLR so my shots are getting better although I have to say I have had some beauties with my little digital point and shoot. I love to check in on Pioneer Women's photo competitions every so often and see how creative others are being.

It great that your family share this passion :-)

Elizabeth said...

What a great FTF! I love my camera too, and it was a gift from my husband for Mother's Day as well. I'm guessing that you photographed that beautiful flower in your header. I love that!

Thanks for sharing.
xo -El