Photos were captured using a Canon 70D DLSW with a Sigma 105 mm macro lens or on my I-Phone 12.
Photos of the Christmas tree and the decorations are my usual repertoire for December. Usually they are pretty predictable photos. As part of my "play" for this year, the goal was to capture something a bit different. Not sure I succeeded there, but there were two photos that I though had some promise.
The Christmas lights aren't blown out and you can see the detail on the green light really well. The hint of blue off towards the corner adds some interest. Taking photos of the lights is one of my staples, but this year I did better at setting the camera so I got the photo I wanted.
The reflections on this red ornament caught my eye. I tried lots of different settings, but this photo was the best balance getting the reflections sharp and keeping the rest of the ornament mostly in focus. Not a typical photo of an ornament, but I wanted something that looked different. It's an interesting photo, but maybe not a great photo if you know what I mean.
The last photo for December isn't perfect technically, but it has an emotional impact on me.
Grad Girl's cat, Queenie discovered the window seat in Grad Girl's room last year when they visited. The day of this shot, Grad Girl left to spend the day with one of her undergrad college roommates. Queenie will make do with me and My Guy, but she really misses her girl when she's not around. During this day and New Year's when Grad Girl was off again to spend time with friends, Queenie pretty much stuck to the window seat and Grad Girl's room. She just looks so sad and contemplative in this shot.
That's the last of my photos from 2024. I'm going to review my best and see if that points me in any direction for this year. Thanks for sticking around for another non-quilt related post. If you have any feedback/suggestions, that helps me get better too.
It's fun to play with your camera when the Christmas lights are all lit up! I love that one of Queenie, too. She loves her human!
Interesting shots. Poor Queenie.
Awww, poor baby, she reminds me so much of my Katy. Love the Christmas light shots!
I love the picture of Queenie especially. You got some great shots of textures with the Christmas lights and ornament.
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