Sunday, December 27, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 52

We had a good holiday. How about you?  We did spend some time with family, but everyone was fully masked and socially distanced.  It was important to my mother that we all get together, even for a just a brief time over the holiday. 

Last week was the last full week in 2020, week 52.  Hard to believe that 2021 is only a few days away.  My last full week was reasonably good on the stitching front. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Dec = 20/26 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 319/361 days
  • Success rate = 88.37%
I'm still on track to meet my stitching time goal of 85% for the year.  I'm off work all this next week, so hopefully I'll get in lots of stitching time for the end of this year and be able to start 2021 off on a good foot.  Were you able to fit in some stitching time while celebrating the holiday?  

Most of my stitching time this week has been hand work.  I finished the fourth butterfly on my long term travel project.  

It's taken me most of the year to finish off just this one.  Of course we didn't travel much this year, so I didn't work on it very often. I'm just under halfway finished with the panel. 

It's not my oldest project, so I'll just keep stitching on it as I can.  Linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday.  

So how did you do this last week of 2020 at working in some stitching time with all the holiday activities?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. karen
4. Meloney
5. Shasta @ High Road
6. Marti
7. Amanda
8. DawnyK
9. Angie in SoCal
10. Dreamworthy Quilts

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Julie in GA said...

Your butterfly cross-stitch is beautiful! It's always handy to have a travel project ready to go when you need it.
Thanks for keeping the 15 Minutes challenge going. It definitely helps motivate me to get some quilting time every single day. Have a very Happy New Year!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Very pretty butterflies! I have a project I bring along for car trips too. Hopefully, it will be safe to do some travelling again once everyone is vaccinated. For now, we are staying home and stitching.

Deb A said...

Such pretty butterfly's . Let's hope 2021 will allow that travel to happen again so the pretties can get some attention.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

beautiful butterflies!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Lovely, Kate!!

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

pretty butterflies! My travel project also got next to no love this year (Lucy Boston English Paper Piecing). Here's to a better 2021. Happy New Year!

Angela said...

Such pretty butterflies!

Quilter Kathy said...

So beautiful Kate! Slow and steady is the best way to stitch!
You can travel to the front porch to stitch when weather permits :)

Shelina said...

You can take the rest of the year off and still meet your stitching goal, but I wouldn't recommend it. Your butterfly is so pretty - that is going to be fabulous when it is all finished.

Sara said...

Your butterfly panel will be gorgeous! That is an ideal travel project.

Since I haven't left the house since last Monday I've actually gotten quite a bit of stitching done.

Marti said...

I love your butterfly project. Is it a tablecloth or napkins? Do you stitch in the car while traveling, or just when you get to your location? I can't stitch in the car at all and have anything like even stitches. Maybe we need a smoother riding car! lol

Ivani said...

Beautiful butterflies.
I will try the goal with 15 minutes to stitch during 2021, this will help me being more productive.
Happy New Year

chrisknits said...

Hard to believe the year is almost over. But VERY glad the year is almost tin my rear view mirror!

Unknown said...

Thrilled to see your butterfly stitching. I found this unfinished wholecloth at my local thrift shop last summer.......beautifully worked butterflies, but words around the edge not done and a few of the leaves unfinished. I rescued this beautifully unfinished piece and laundered then finished it ......I then gave it a soft batting and backing and quilted is just really beautiful...............was sooo thrilled to see it on your site. Steve McQueen

Unknown said...

Thrilled to see your butterfly stitching. I found this unfinished wholecloth at my local thrift shop last summer.......beautifully worked butterflies, but words around the edge not done and a few of the leaves unfinished. I rescued this beautifully unfinished piece and laundered then finished it ......I then gave it a soft batting and backing and quilted is just really beautiful...............was sooo thrilled to see it on your site. Steve McQueen

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Beautiful cross stitching! I love the butterflies!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your butterfly project is just gorgeous! Glad you are still pulling it out to put some stitches in now and then. Have a wonderful week off!

Jenny said...

Pretty butterflies, and its always good to have a travel project ready when you go away. When completed, you can look back and remember the trips you did and special places visited while you were stitching your butterflies.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Your butterflies are beautiful! And you did a good rate for this year!

Louise said...

Those butterflies are gorgeous! They will flutter into completion in their own time :)

seabreezequilts said...

Wow that butterfly whole cloth is going to be beautiful when it is finished, it already looks spectacular. Glad you were able to catch up with family and did your best to make it Covid safe. Glad we live on an island and we had a reasonably normal Christmas this year.

DawnyK said...

Well done on your stitching goals for the year! Your butterflies are so beautiful. Enjoy your week off; hope you get some great stitching time in.

Angie in SoCal said...

Love your butterflies! You have done well with your stitching time. Happy New Year!

Linda said...

Gosh that butterfly cross stitch is pretty! Glad you had some family time. Your Mom sounds pretty smart. :)

Bonnie said...

Forward progress is always good, even if it isn’t a lot. I, too, worked on an old hand project last week. I hope to keep working on it this week too. It would be so nice to finish it! Have a great week at home.

dq said...

I just love travel projects. They are slow finishers but fun to work on something different.
U hope you can travel more in 2021. I hope we all can.

Jennifer said...

So glad you were able to see family on Christmas! Ours was nice and about the same as most years, as we are usually just with my mom and dad - the big difference for us is that we didn’t get in the car the next day and go see my cousins. We sure miss seeing them the week between the holidays, but hope that we’ll get to see them relatively early in 2021 (come on vaccines!). Your butterflies are just beautiful - the perfect travel project too - maybe it will see a bit more travel next year.

Emily said...

Lovely butterfly! I didn't make any progress on my travel hand stitching project.

Katie Z. said...

The butterflies are beautiful.