Sunday, August 4, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 31 of 2024

It's been hot with a few days this week also being insanely humid.  The heat alerts have been pretty consistent for the last week or so. The only safe thing to do in the afternoon is sew, so that's pretty much what I've done.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/July = 31/31 days
  • 15 minute days/Aug = 3/3 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 216/216 days
  • Success rate = 100%
All the sewing room time has meant the space is more organized then it's been in years. Plus there's been lots of progress on projects.  Maybe not as many finishes as I'd like, but fingers crossed those are coming too.  

I raided the big scrap bag #2 for blue scraps for the SSSS quilt, so that just puffed up the contents of the bag.  It's hard to tell that I've processed any scraps from it.  The big achievement for the week was emptying the to be pressed bin again.   

The bin was refilled for the third time on June 9th. So it took a little less than a month to do all that pressing. Now that it is empty again, it's time for refill #4. 

I'm still repressing and refolding fabrics that were piled on top of the wire rack in the fabric closet.  I didn't realize how much was actually up there!  Definitely still a lot of pressing and folding left to do.  

How did your stitching, reorg, or decluttering efforts go this week? 

1. Julie in GA
2. maggie f
3. Karen
4. Jennifer in Indy
5. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts
6. Quilting Gail
7. Deb in Canada
8. Bonnie in Va
9. Bonnie in Va
10. Frédérique
11. Andrée at Quilting & Learning

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Julie in GA said...

Your perfect record continues! It would be great if you could keep it up until the end of the year. Your organizational efforts always inspire me, yet I never seem to get around to doing any myself.

Linda said...

I so enjoy seeing your pressing bins. If I had more space I'd have Hubs build me an ironing board table and iron away, it's one of my favorite pastimes. It has been hot and dry here, and the wind just sucks away any moisture we put on our dying yard and gardens. Hurry up fall!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

We don't have the humidity here that you do, but it's still pretty awful to be outside in the afternoons, so we definitely avoid it. Your pressing project sounds like it's going great! I bet you're finding yardage you didn't remember that you had. That could be helpful for quilt backings!

Jennifer said...

It's been warm and humid here too, but we're supposed to get some relief mid-week, fingers crossed! Congrats on continuing your streak and getting the bin emptied again!

dq said...

So neat and orderly. It feels great, I'm sure!!! Way to stick with it.

Quilting Gail said...

I'm impressed with your dedication to organization!! Well done!

Bonnie said...

congratulations on your stitching time at 100%. We are 59% done with 2024 so your achievement is eye opening. (I want that next year!) This AM our humidity level was in the 90s. Now it's only 88%. Ha! ONLY. Most of the temps are in the lower 80s with one day only 78. Of course, that will change several times over the week. Have a great week.

Bonnie said...

Congratulations on your 100%. That's a terrific accomplishment. The year is currently 59% done. Sure hope you can keep it up all year. Wouldn't that be something. I hear you on the humidity business. it's 88% at nearly 11 pm. The temps this week are going to be mostly in the low to mid 80s. But we even have a 78 degree day supposedly. We'll see if that actually happens. Have a quilty week.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Woo Hoo on emptying the bin. I worked a little on processing fabric this weekend too. Hugs.