Hard to believe it's been a week and it's time for a new to do list. With all the disruption to normal life my sense of time is a bit warped. After four days of working from home, it was getting hard to remember what day of the week it was. I can't say there was more stitching time last week, but there was enough to check off most of my to do list.
Weekly To Do List for 02/16/2021
- Grassy Creek: Assemble rows and pieced borders - progress
- Morewood Mystery: Continue to assemble Block B's ✔
- Unity: Make HSTs for clue 6 as leader and ender ✔
I didn't quite finish off getting Grassy Creek sewn together. I was going to finish the last of the stitching last night, but the Scientist in Training called for a bit of a catch up as she hadn't called over the weekend due to homework overload. Even so, two out of three, with significant progress on the third is a really good week. Here's the plan for this week.
Weekly To Do List for 02/23/2021
Red, White and Blue Stars: Make binding, label, trim quilt, stitch to front.
Red, White and Blue Stars, self designed |
This project showed up in the mail yesterday. Trudy did a beautiful job with the quilting. I'll show off more of that when I do the final glamour shots. I'm going to use the red on white print that's in the sashing for the binding. The plan is to trim the quilt, make the binding, print the label and get the binding sewn to the top of the quilt. I'll probably be able to start hand stitching it to the back, but even though this is a small lap quilt, I'm not going to get that finished this week.
Grassy Creek: Finish assembling top, decide on borders
Grassy Greek, the 2020 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt |
All that is left is to sew the bottom pieced border to the top. Adding borders comes next. I've not made up my mind on what those borders will be at this point. I need to play in EQ a bit more to see what I can work out. But I'm close to having a finished quilt top.
Morewood Mystery: Continue assembling Block B's
I'm just about half way done with the Block B's. RWB Stars and Grassy Creek are the priority projects for now, so there probably won't be a lot of progress on these blocks, but the goal is to just keep it moving. Once Grassy Creek is off to be quilted, Morewood is my next focus project.
Unity: Continue to make HSTs for step 6 as leaders and enders
Unity, 2020 Bonnie Hunter Sew-In-Place Quilt Along |
Only three blocks for the second border strip are finished. I've got a lot of HSTs still to make to finish off the remaining three border strips. I've got a nice pile of HSTs to make blocks with now, so maybe the block assembly will speed up a bit. Still this is my leader and ender project, so just keeping it moving is the goal.
That's the list for this week. I'm close to a finished project and a finished quilt top, with good progress on two other projects. So not a bad year so far. Linking up with Chris Knits for this week's Tuesday to Do. Good luck with your list for the week.