
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Stitching Time: Week 9 of 2021

This week went really quickly.  All of last week's meetings got moved to this week, so I didn't do much else this week. If I wasn't in a meeting, I was getting ready for a meeting. That also meant we were late getting home a few nights this week.  I just barely managed my 15 minutes of stitching time a couple of evenings.

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Feb = 27/27 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 56/58 days
  • Success rate = 96.55%
Still I managed to fit in some sewing room stuff every evening. Every little bit does add up.  I finished the designing and printing the label for the Red, White and Blue Stars quilt.  That set me up to get the label pinned to the quilt so I could sew it on with the binding.  I've just started hand stitching the binding to the back. 

Red, White and Blue Stars, setting self designed

So I'll definitely be doing some slow stitching later today on that binding.  It's been awhile since I've linked up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday.  

So how was your stitchy week? Did you get in lots of stitching time or did it seem as if life conspired against you so you did everything but that?

1. DesertSky Quilting
2. Julie in GA
3. Chrisknits
4. karen
5. Ivani
6. Meloney
7. Sherrie
8. Quilting Gail
9. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts
10. Amanda
11. Shasta @ High Road
12. Carol Andrews
13. Jennifer in Indy

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  1. I love hand stitching the binding to a quilt. So satisfying!

  2. Binding is such a calming and reflecting time to stitch down. Enjoy and congrats on the almost finish.

  3. Hand stitching the binding is one of my favorite parts!

  4. I'll be stitching binding later today too! Happy stitching

  5. Hi,
    I love hand stitching the binding, it's so relaxing.
    Your quilt is beautiful! Have a great day!

  6. Ooohhhh that's my favourite! Enjoy the relaxing stitching and the great feeling of finishing a project!

  7. Isn't it great that feeling when you are just almost done with a quilt?

  8. Its wonderful that so many of us enjoy hand stitching the binding down.

  9. Love those fabrics in your red, white and blue quilt! That's the great thing about stitching, with each stitch all of a sudden there is a pretty of great beauty before you. Enjoy your day stitching that pretty binding.

  10. Binding?! A finish can't be far behind. Go, Kate, go!!!

  11. Binding is the best kind of slow stitching! It means you've almost got another finish!

  12. I am loving the binding on that red, white, and blue quilt.

    Darn all those meetings but at least you can be thankful for employment.

  13. I have probably said it before I hate hand sewing the binding but I can't get a satisfying result doing it by machine so I do it by hand. At least my latest wasn't a big quilt.

  14. That's a great backing fabric! I like the little blue stars!

  15. Congrats on finding the time to stitch despite the busy meetings. I managed to get the stitching time in but at the expense of household chores. With isolation, I can get away with it.

  16. Hand stitching the binding is my favourite part of finishing a quilt; snuggling and preparing to let it go. 😉 Carol

  17. Great job getting in stitching time even with a busy work week - hope you are enjoying putting the binding stitches in the red, white, and blue quilt.


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