
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

To Do Tuesday: 06/22/2021

Stitching time has been hit or miss the last couple of months and will likely be so for a few more weeks.  Consequently, I'm not doing all that well with the weekly to do list.  My last To Do List is from two weeks ago. 

To Do List for 6/08/2021

  • Grassy Creek: Continue to hand sew binding
  • Morewood Mystery: Finish border 3, start border 4 
  • Cabins and Fans: Continue assembly of row 4 
  • Unity: Make HSTs for clue 6 as leader and ender 
Over the last two weeks, I've made progress on each one of the items on that last To Do List. So though projects aren't progressing as quickly as they did earlier in the year, they are moving along.  Having a list helps, so here's the focus for this week. 

To Do List for 6/22/2021

Grassy Creek:  Finish binding, take photos of finished quilt.

Three of the corners are stitched down and there's about 30 something inches left before the hand stitching is done.  

Morewood Mystery: Finish border 4

The two side borders are attached, so all that's left are the top and bottom borders. 

Cabins and Fans: Continue to assemble row 4

Rows 1 through 3 are all stitched together.  Just a couple more blocks to assemble and row 4 will be completed.  

Unity:  Continue making HSTs as leader and enders

Steps 6 and 7 are going really slowly.  But that's OK, this has been a very nice leaders and enders project. 

So that's my plan for whatever stitching time I can manage this week.  Linking up with ChrisKnits for To Do Tuesday.  


  1. Any forward progress is a good thing. Can't wait to see Grassy Creek all finished!

  2. Can't wait to see Grassy Creek done!! Love all the projects on your walls. Good luck with next week's goals! Thanks for linking up with To-Do!!

  3. I loved the photo of Cabins and Fans that shows the new big blocks you've added since the last time we saw it! That's going to be gorgeous, Kate. Every little bit of progress counts!

  4. Small steps but still forward!! The Cabins and Fans just continue to make me say WOW! I've been slowly trying to get a big quilt binding finished too, and last night I reached the halfway point.

  5. Hey--even turtles do get to the finish line--so hang in there--and just keep working away--little bit by little bit--we will wait to see your progress--
    have an awesome day-hugs, di

  6. I enjoy seeing your progress on all these projects, but I really like the Cabins and Fans! Those bright colors!

  7. Can't wait to see the Grassy Creek finish - love the backing. You're doing good with leaders and enders, and I constantly forget to do them!


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