
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Stitching Stuff: Week 25 of 2021

Happy first day of summer to all who live in the Northern Hemisphere.  I broke out the capris and sandals last weekend.  Our temps went from the low 70s to the mid 90s seemingly overnight. The summer temps are likely here to stay now.  

Work continues to be a challenge.  Both My Guy and I are completely swamped, we had two nights this week we didn't leave work till almost 8 PM.  We both work in the same organization, but different research groups. Not sure why the work load has jumped up so much, but it's been pretty miserable with no end in sight.  Added to that I have some family drama going on that's pulled me away from home over the weekends. So consequently there's been little time or desire to stitch, blog or follow other's blogs. 

At some point, things will line out at work and on the personal front. Till then I'm giving myself permission to be a bit lax on the stitching and blogging.  My goal is to keep the 15 Minutes to Stitch post going to motivate me to do at least that much most days.  I managed to work in some stitching time on all but our 8 PM end of work days.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 5/7 days
  • 15 minute days/June = 16/19 days
  • 15 minute days/2021 = 144/170 days
  • Success rate = 84.71%
Most days it was just 15 minutes of stitching time, but I at least got that much in.  Sometimes that's as good as it gets and you just have to roll with it.

There has been little time to enjoy the wild flowers this spring. I did make the effort last night at sunset to get in a bit of a walk to check out what's blooming in the fields.  

The Black Eyed Susans are in abundance right now.

 A lone bee was taking advantage of last call at an Indian Blanket before the sun completely faded from the sky.

Hope your summer stitching has gotten off to a good start (or your winter sewing if you are down south).  How was your stitchy week? 

1. Julie in GA
2. Ivani
3. DonnaleeQ
4. Meloney
5. DawnyK
6. Amanda
7. Quilting Gail
8. Shasta @ High Road
9. Carol @ Quilt Schmilt

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  1. It's a good thing you have your stitching time to relax and enjoy for a little while most days. Work and family are definite priorities, and the blog and quilting will still be there when you have more time for them. I hope things smooth out for you soon!

  2. Hope everything will be fine soon for you and your family. Hugs

  3. I love the Black-eyed Susans. We planted some in our whiskey barrel this year, but they are at least a month away from blooming. Hoping for easier times for you very soon.

  4. We do have to remember to give our selves time - and not beat ourselves up when life gets in the way of plans. Family drama usually seems to take control at various periods of our lives. Hang in there!!

  5. Oh, Kate. So sorry there are still late days. If it's not work, it's the dogs. I am trying a new training technique and it's really challenging my brain. Good luck. Hope you get more stitching and relaxing in this coming week.

  6. Your work sounds way worse than mine, it sucks when both of you are so much under the pump. Hope the family drama sorts itself out soon. Gotta love family for picking the most inconvenient time to bring Drama Llama's to the party. Remember to be kind to yourself.

  7. Beautiful flowers!
    I hope things let up on you - too many stresses at once makes us need to cut too much fabric haha!! Hugs my friend!

  8. Wow! Those work days are a killer. I’m amazed that you still managed any sewing time. Good thing you managed a bit of a walk. The Black Eyed Susans and hum of the bee have to lift your spirits. Just be kind to yourself Kate. Drama is rough but you can just roll with the punches. 😉

  9. Hope the flowers brought some peace and joy - it’s tough when life gets in the way of our quilting, isn’t it?


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