
Sunday, October 25, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 43 of 2020

It wasn't a great week on the stitching front.  End of year projects have picked up and it's been a struggle to get home on time. Thankfully no real late nights, just enough to really sap my stitching mojo. Hopefully as the weather has started to turn colder, your stitching mojo has been going up. 

Most evenings I only had the energy for 15 minutes. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Oct = 23/24 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 267/298
  • Success rate = 89.60%
I took a day off last week to go visit my mother.  I hadn't been home since July, so it was definitely time. The Scientist in Training showed up Friday evening after her last midterm. We had a nice couple of girls days, just hanging out and doing just a bit of shopping. I didn't get in any stitching time that first day, but that's OK.  I'm still doing well on my 2020 goal to stitch at least 85% of the days this year.  

So how did your stitchy week go. Were you able to find at least 15 minutes to move a project along or start something new? 

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. Meloney
4. karen
5. Sherrie
6. Michelle
7. Loulee (Manxgirl)
8. Amanda
9. DawnyK
10. Shasta @ High Road
11. Quilting Gail

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  1. You are doing so well with your stitching time, still on target for the year. I hope the next week is an easier one at work.

  2. I know your mom appreciated the visit! Your time is still holding strong. You go girl! Only nine more Sundays to go! :)

  3. Spending time together is a must! After midterms, SIT was ready for some girl time.

  4. I'm sure you had a good visit with your mom!

  5. It’s odd, here in the Vegas Valley the weather has finally cooled off enough that we can spend more time outside. I’m enjoying being able to get out, and yet I always manage to feel like I’ve failed my projects somehow. I’m a really irrational boss. LOL! I’m glad you got to see your mom and daughter. Those things are so important!


  6. Hi,
    Great job on your stitching time...having girls days are
    important and of course shopping is really fun when someone
    else is with you. Have a great day!

    P.S. Do you use a something to generate you stitching times? If so, can you share this info?

  7. You're doing well. Me not so, I had two evenings off last week. But aiming high again this week.

  8. You are doing so well with your goal. That's probably why you are so good at your job too. I bet your mom and SIT enjoyed having some special time with you too.

  9. I'm planning on a few girl days with Mo over the next few week they are good for the soul. Though I think she is starting to spread her wings a bit more so there will be less and less of them over time.

  10. Excellent stitching progress! Sometimes girl-time is what's needed to recharge the batteries. So glad you get time together.

  11. So glad you got to spend some girly days with SIT. Sometimes I don't sew for almost a week at a time because other aspects of life take precedence. Your overall percentage this year has been great! And it's been such a hard year that kind of consistency isn't easy.


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