
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 10/20/2020

There are only 10 weeks left in 2020.  Just 10 more to do lists left for the year, just 10 weeks to make progress on this year's goals. The weeks always seem to go faster this time of year. So it's definitely time to decide on the priorities for the rest of the year.  Before looking ahead to this next week, how did week 11 eleven go? 

Weekly To Do List for 10/13/2020

  • Red, White and Blue Stars: Continue sashing blocks
  • Morewood Mystery: Work on October blocks 
  • Unity: Make HSTs and blocks for Step 4 
  • Strom at Sea: hand stitch binding down 
  • Frolic: prep for quilting, progress
Not a bad week, four and of five to do's with check marks and progress on the last item.  Four to do's seems to be my sweet spot. That fifth one is just hard to finish in a typical week. 

So what's the focus for this week?  

Weekly To Do List for 10/20/2020

Frolic: Prep for quilting and mail

 Frolic, 2019 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt

About three quarters of the quilt has been well pressed and de-threaded.  The backing is already pressed, cleaned up and packaged for shipping.  It shouldn't take much longer to get Frolic prepped. It should be easy to get this done and to the post office before the end of the week. 

Red, White and Blue Stars: Finish sashing the blocks

 Red, White and Blue Stars, self designed setting

Just three more sashing strips to make for the center of the top.  It won't take a lot of time to finish assembly. Then it will be time for borders, but that's for next week's to do list. 

Morewood Mystery: Continue to make blocks for October

Progress has been really slow on these blocks. My focus has been on getting the Red, White and Blue quilt sashed.  There's only two more weeks left in the month, so I need to bump up the effort on these blocks or I'll be behind when November's clue comes out.  

Unity:  Make more HSTs and blocks for Clue 4

Progress on Unity has been slow as well.  I just need one more border strip to finish off step 4.  Not sure that will happen this week.  The goal is to just keep the project moving.  

That's the list for this week. I'm back down to just four items. Hopefully I can check them off before next week.  Linking up with Home Sewn by Us  for the Weekly To Do List.


  1. Hi Kate! Seriously?!! Only 10 weeks left in 2020. I won't be sorry to see it go and especially to have this election over with as well. GREAT job on your list from last week. And Frolic is ready to be sent out for quilting already?! I love the direction you took R/W/B with the sashing and setting stones. I looks marvelous. Progress on Morewood and Unity is fab also. Good luck with this week's list and thanks for linking up today! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Look at the back of Frolic - I'm always so impressed with your patience at that step! It looks to me like you made lots of progress this week!

  3. My own progress on Unity has stalled out completely. It hangs in my sewing room closet just waiting for some attention. It may have to go onto my 2021 UFO list.

  4. PANIC - only 10 weeks... what???
    Love your quilts REd white and blue stars is coming along so nicely!! And frolic - I bet your quilter loves you!! I get them with a lot of threads, and they stick to my clothes - and I am decorated haha!!

  5. Oh my--did you really only 10 weeks left of this year???? that is so hard to believe, really--you have been doing a great job getting most of your goals worked on and done!
    and I know you aren't watching Nascar this year--but I will be your reporter for now--in case you haven't heard--Alex Bowman will be in the 48 car next year--Clint Bowyer is retiring from the car and will be with the Fox news team next year and Chase Bristo will be in the 14 car --Clints car next year--he has 9 wins in X-finity this year so far!!
    Kyle Larson has been reinstated starting Jan 1, 2021 and I think he might be in the 88 car--but not totally sure on that yet--- Eric Jones and Ty Dillion haven't either found rides or haven't decided on rides yet for next year--and Joey L is in the final four with his win on Sunday--and so far Kyle Bush has not won a single cup race this year!!!
    ok--that's all the news for now!!!!!!
    luv, di

  6. Those red, white and blue stars are so lovely. I recently finished my first lone star quilt. These little beauties are the perfect starter lone star blocks. I should have tried these first. Hope you finish it soon. I am dying to see it!!!

  7. So close on the red, white & blue! Looking good!

  8. Good progress on multiple fronts! Lots of different stitching to choose from in your sewing life :)


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