
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

To Do Tuesday for 6/9/2020

One week of June is in the bag, three weeks left till we hit midyear.  I'm preparing for mid year reviews at work, which always prompts me to take a look at where I'm at midyear on my stitching goals.  I'll do that at the end of the month, so I've got a few more weeks to work on my big goal for the year. 

So that will be the focus of my Tuesday To Do lists for June.  How did the first week go?  

Weekly To Do List for 06/02/2020

Frolic:  Assemble dark blue block, assemble dark blue row - progress
Unity:  Finish step 2, start step 3
Storm at Sea:  Add next white border - progress

One item checked off and progress on the other two is a good week in my book. Fingers crossed I can do even better with this week's list. 

Weekly To Do List for 06/09/2020

Storm at Sea: Finish the white border and last blue border

Storm at Sea, self designed

That should move Storm at Sea to the finished flimsy column.  I still need to find the  backing fabric. That will probably be on next week's to do list.  

Frolic: Finish last block, sashing pieces and assemble

2019 Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt

That should be doable this week.  Then all that's left is the pieced borders.  So not a finish this month, but maybe in July?  

Unity:  Work on step 3, finish one pieced border strip

Unity, 2020 Bonnie Hunter Sew-In-Place Quilt Along

I've got a good pile of parts and pieces made for the sawtooth stars blocks, so one pieced border strip should be doable. This will be my leaders and enders project while I concentrate on the other two projects.  

That's my plan for the next week. You can see more Tuesday To Dos over at Home Sewn by Us.  


  1. Any and all progress is good in my book!

  2. Won't it be a great feeling to have your Storm at Sea top finished?! You're almost there!

  3. Hi Kate! Oh yes, I agree that any progress is a good thing. We have reviews due at my work as well for the end of June - we'll see if they happen this year as everyone is still working from home. I think that last blue border on SaS will really make it pop. Final block on Frolic - ooh, that's exciting too. Good luck with this week's list and thanks for linking up. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Always fun to see what you are doing and the progress you've made. We just keep putting one foot in front of the other - or in front of the sewing foot, maybe - and keep going. Sooner or later, things get done!

  5. I love your Frolic - such vibrant colors! Need to make that one!


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