
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Week 24 of 2020: Stitching Stuff

June is almost half over. It's not been the best month on a number of fronts. We are very lucky to all be well (mostly anyway) and employed.  But my heart hurts for those who haven't been able to stay well, those that are worried about their employment situation and those due to the color of their skin aren't treated with respect and compassion. I don't often talk about the current state of the world on this blog. This blog is one of my happy places where I can just focus on the stitchy stuff that's such a sanity saver for me.  Wouldn't it be nice if a quilt fixed all? Quilters would definitely be able to save the world if that was true. But since it's not, it's still a comfort to know there are others struggling to make their part of the world a better place. 

Stitching has been a nice reprieve from the news the last few months. Though I'm not doing so well at getting into the sewing room lately.  Have you had better luck at finding a few minutes of stitchy sanity each day? 

My week wasn't so hot on the stitchy front.  

15 minute days/week = 4/7 days
15 minute days/June = 8/13 days
15 minute days/2020 = 144/165 days
Success rate = 87.27%

We've gotten home from work late several times this week. That coupled with some pretty nasty sinus headaches have made it harder for me to find both the energy and the "want to" to get myself into the sewing room. I'm hoping to do much better on getting in some stitching every day this next week. 

On the happier end of the spectrum, the Black Eyed Susan's are blooming again. 

So it must be summer.

Another sign of summer is that mom and dad barn swallow have another nest of babies to feed. 

We've had barn swallows in the back yard for the last several years. We also have a mommy and daddy robin who just started feeding their newborns.  So we are greeted with lots of  hungry chirping when we step out onto the back porch.  

So how are things going in your happy stitchy place?

1. karen
2. Chris Behme
3. Meloney
4. Julie in GA
5. Sherrie
6. di
7. Quilting Gail
8. Amanda
9. Deana

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  1. one of the reasons I quite the quilt guild in my area was because too many of the women were racist and I can't tolerate that and quit and never went back - I wish quilters could fix the world but not with the same are.
    hope you sinus issues clear up - I've had too much trouble with mine lately

  2. It is a rough time for so many right now. The high pollen count does a number on me.

  3. My migraine headaches have started coming back. I don't like that at all.
    I am wondering if I need to do a super clean of the house and get rid of dust and stuff around the edges. I make enough dust in the studio that I know it would be a good thing. I just don't want to climb, so I need someone with me. I think I talked myself into making it happen. :)
    I hope you feel better and can sew sew sew!

  4. I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope you are back to feeling better soon. I have had a pretty productive week, so I'm happy about that. Lovely photo of the black-eyed susan!

  5. You are so right that we quilters could save the world if a quilt could fix everything! I guess we'll just have to keep trying, right?! Sorry to hear about your sinus headaches, Kate - hope this week is better.

  6. Hi,
    I lots of trouble with my sinuses in the spring. All that pollinating of the trees and flowers...hang in gets better..have a great day!

  7. Thank you for the black eyed susan photo-
    they are one of my very favorite flowers--
    and I don't get to see or enjoy them here in Fl!!
    My bad time of the year is Jan-May here--Oak season!!
    So hang in there--what ever is bothering you will be long gone soon--
    relax tonight and enjoy the race!!!!
    luv, di

  8. Yeah there is a lot of bad out there at the moment. I can't say that I have wanted to switch on the news much lately. I just hope that at the end of it all the world will be a better place and there will be more understanding of how we treat each other.
    I hope your sinuses improve mine haven't been too bad this week but I've just purchased some essential oils (one of which is sinus relief) and heading to amazon to purchase a diffuser, I may even get one for work as I have been tasked with making the office more welcoming (our office environment scared the last interviewee off).

  9. It sure has been a rough year. I am glad for my Instagram and blogging friends who bring joy through their posts and hope we are moving forward for change this time. Hoping the last week was a better one for you.


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