
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Week 43 of Stitching Stuff

It seemed like our autumn only lasted a week.  Beautiful weather for a week and then wet, cold rain.  There's a possibility of snow flurries next week.  November starts at the end of this week, so I suppose it's time for winter to start creeping in.  Is this the time of year you do more or less stitching?  I find it harder to get in my 15 minutes each day, not due to the weather, but due to wind up activities at work. End of year means lots of reports, end of year closing meetings and meetings to talk about objectives for next year, which translates to lot of overtime.  How well do you do at fitting in your 15 minutes with what ever changes happen in life with the end of the year creeping closer? 

I did OK this week on the stitching front, but several nights my 15 minutes happened just before bedtime. 

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/October = 23/25 days
15 minute days/2019 = 268/298 days
Success rate = 89.93%

My goal for 2019 was to manage at least 15 minutes of stitching time 90% of the time. If you round, I'm there.  Now can I keep it there with end of year stuff at work and the holidays?  That's going to be a challenge. 

Because I'm working on projects where I've either counted the fabric out already or aren't ready to count the fabric used, the stash report looks really anemic.  So I'm just going to wait and give a report for the whole month of October.  

Our fall colors this year are going to be kinda shabby.  We had a hard freeze seemingly out of nowhere after weeks of warm weather. Most of the leaves are just turning brown and falling off the trees. So my fall foliage photos are going to be pretty lean this year.  I did get one nice shot last weekend. 

I'll probably get out for a walk with My Guy this afternoon.  Hopefully I'll find a bit more color when we get out and about.  

So how did your stitchy week work out?  

1. Julie in GA
2. karen
3. Meloney
4. Chrisknits
5. MaryR @Urban Quilter
6. DawnyK
7. Amanda
8. Shasta @ High Road Quilter
9. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. I stitch more this time of year because I have lots of time off during the holidays and we don't live close to our families and miss all the family gatherings. Whatever time you can fit in will have to do. Soon it will be a new year and a fresh start.

  2. time change coming up, back from travel, and cooler weather makes it so I have been having a hard time getting back on track and now a family reunion next weekend - maybe after that I can get back on track

  3. I think the weather change will help me get back into sewing more. Your end of the year sounds stressful, but since your 15 minutes soothes you, I have no doubt you'll find the time and hit your goal. Hard to believe the end of the year is so close.

  4. Just as our leaves were turning we got a hard, day long, deluge, so a lot of the leaves are now down!!! Oh well, we still have some pretty foliage hanging on.

  5. I enjoy stitching more with the cooler weather.

  6. I'm trying to keep my stitching an all year round affair. In winter I probably head to bed earlier than I do in summer so there would be more time to get some stitching in this time of year heading into summer. We are in daylight savings time now and it is lighter in the evening, but the weather is a bit hit an miss hot one minute and cool the next so plenty of time to just sit and sew before things stay hot for weeks on end.

  7. You would think that with longer days, I would get more done in the summer, but I think there is a more relaxed pace then. Even though there is more to do at the end of the year and the days are shorter, I think I must pick up the pace, because my blog shows more progress at the end of the year. It might just be the deadline as I think about how sad the end of the year post is going to look unless I step it up!

  8. We had snow here for Halloween! I seem to get more stitching time in the winter, I think because I do less outside, so more time and energy to stitch, but I hear you with the year-end stuff at work - my schedule gets crazy starting this week!


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