
Monday, October 28, 2019

A Bit of This and That

Weekends, even three days one, go pretty fast. The Scientist in Training was home for fall break this weekend.  We did some shopping for black and gold party wear for a themed event we attended Saturday night and some shoe shopping. It was a fun weekend of hanging out and just being together.  

I did get in some sewing room time, mainly yesterday after the SIT headed back to college.  The biggest achievement was getting all the rows of Twinkle Star blocks stitched together. 

Twinkle Stars
Tutorial by Andrea Feldbush of Soscrappy

I'm really happy with how this one is going together.  I need to ramp up my efforts if it's going to get done before Christmas. 

The last stitches were put into clue 2 of the Mosaic Mystery. 

 Mosaic Mystery Quilt
from Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs

Now I'm ready for clue 3 when it comes out.  I'm pretty happy with how my fabrics are working out.   

Vintage Dresses is in the process of being bound and the first half of clue 3 for the 2019 Christmas is cut out ready for assembly.  So overall it was a pretty productive weekend.  

Linking up with the usual Monday show and tell linky parties:  Monday Making and Design Wall Monday.  Also linking up over at Meadow Mist Designs for the clue 2 linky party.  


  1. I am so looking forward to seeing the vintage dresses quilt finished. I love it. You have had a very productive week....I hope it's rubbing off on the rest of us. The star quilt is spectacular!

  2. Twinkle Stars - really looking fabulous!

  3. You really did get a lot done especially if most of the weekend was enjoyed with family. I love those twinkle stars. I'm postponing working on any of my RSC blocks probably until after Christmas. I seem to be in a bit of a slump although I am down working in the studio several days a week. Sigh. Congratulations on getting so much done.

  4. Glad you got to spend some time with your SIT this weekend! Twinkle Stars is just amazing!

  5. Twinkle Stars is looking great. Your decision about the borders was genius. The finish it off perfectly. I love the fabrics you’ve used in your mystery blocks. Very pretty.

  6. Those twinkle star blocks are so pretty. I love looking at the quilt. It's just delightful and fun!

  7. These stars really do twinkle!! Love the border that will give it the finishing touch!

  8. Spending time with the SIT is the most important thing--
    happy that you had fun shopping and party'in!!
    and all your stitching projects are moving right along--so
    that is great--love the colors in the quilt--
    luv, di

  9. Twinkle Stars is looking great. You got a lot done on it this weekend.

  10. Your stars look amazing! You’re doing so well, especially given your guy!

  11. That sounds like a lot of great progress! Your Mosaic units look great and I am very ready to get started on the next clue too!

  12. Twinkle Stars looks great and I really love your Mosaic blocks!

  13. Way to go! I love the look the border is going to give to Twinkle Stars!


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