
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

To Do Tuesday - Moving Along

Last week was my first go at "To Do Tuesday", the weekly to do list linky party hosted by Home Sewn By Us. Focusing on fewer projects did make a difference in moving those projects further along the road to finished.  Even so, I didn't finish the whole list.  

Weekly To Do List (10/22/2019)
1. Vintage Dresses - bind
2. Mosaic Mystery - finish clue 2
3. 2019 Christmas Mystery - finish clue 3
4. Twinkle Stars - finish sewing rows together

Only two check marks, but that's better than none, so I'll take that.  Actually there was good progress on binding Vintage Dresses and I did get the first block of Clue 3 cut out ready for assembly.  It feels nice to check things off the list. I just need to be careful keep the list reasonable each week.  Here's the to do list for this week.  

Weekly To Do List (10/29/2019)

1.  Vintage Dresses - finish binding

The label got made and the binding got sewn to the front, now I just need to finish hand stitching it to the back. I've turned one corner, so that should be doable.  I'd like to get this one finished off by Thursday as it's my October One Monthly Goal. 

2.  Finish Pieced Border for Twinkle Stars

Making the blocks should go pretty fast.  It will take longer to stitch them all together and then stitch them to the quilt.  But as I've got one afternoon and Friday off this week, that should be doable.

3.  Finish Clue 3 for the 2019 Christmas Mystery Quilt. 

The strips are cut, but they aren't pinned correctly (I unpicked two seams before I realized they weren't lined up correctly).  Two blocks will come out of these strip sets and there's a third block to be done this week.  I've picked out the fabrics for it, but haven't cut out the pieces for it yet.  

I'm really tempted to add a #4 to the list, but my goals are to move quilts to the finish line and keep up with current quilt alongs. To do that I need to concentrate my time on just a few projects.  So that's my list for this week. You can see more weekly plans over at Home Sewn by Us


  1. I make totally unrealistic goals and then wonder why I failed. LOL! Can't wait to see Vintage finished!!

  2. So glad to hear you're on the binding stage of Vintage Dresses - I love that one! And your pieced border for Twinkle Stars looks great, too. Have a great week, Kate!

  3. Hi Kate! Yippee for having two check marks for last week. It was your first week - short lists are definitely the key (for me). Two items makes a list - and if you get more accomplished then you can proudly say I did extra beyond my list! I am drying to see Vintage Dresses - nothing like keeping it all under wraps with that binding shot. You'll have that OMG finished in no time. And Twinkle sure is coming together nicely. Thanks for linking up again! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I've found the fewer the projects, the more I can concentrate too. You'll make good progress with time off this week.

  5. Congrats on your 2 check marks! As others have mentioned, I have learned to list fewer projects to make it more doable. Your Christmas Mystery is looking interesting! Twinkle Stars is so pretty!


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