
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Stash Report for the 10th Week of 2017

From 80 and sunny on Friday to 47 and raining on Saturday.  It's typical spring weather for Oklahoma.  But boy, 47 definitely feels much colder after an 80 degree day then after a 32 degree day.  Saturday was definitely a good day to spend inside.  

It's been a busy week, but I still managed to get in at least 15 minutes of sewing time in each night, so for the year I've managed that 70 days out of 70.  Definitely a record for me.  I put the final stitches into the binding for Poinsettias earlier in the week.  No photos yet.  It was pretty dreary yesterday, but it's supposed to be sunny today.  And I got started on the last graduation quilt yesterday.  So it was a really good week.  

Before I could get started on the First Amendment quilt, I had to wash all the fabric for it.  Since I'm going to haul it down to the washer anyway, I grab any other fabrics in the color range that haven't been washed.  After a load each of red, white and blue, my to be pressed pile is pretty tall.  

Like cutting up scraps, pressing tends to fall to the bottom of my to do list.  The blue was already pressed by the time I took this picture, but the top newsprint fabric has since been pressed and the red will probably get pressed today. I'll have to work my way down from there.  

Since I count my fabric as it get's made into blocks and borders, all the fabric from Poinsettias has already been counted.  But I made some progress on En Provence this week, as well as on the new quilt project.  That's the bulk of what went out this week. 

Used this week:  0.69 yards
Used year to date:  19.27 yards
Added year to date:  59.05 yards
Net added:  39.78 yards

There was nothing in, so I'm slowly chipping away at the hole created at the first of the year.   

I'm hoping for a solid afternoon of stitching today.  The plan is to focus on making good progress on the First Amendment Quilt, plus get the binding on Bejeweled.  

Linking up with Patchwork Times for this week's stash report.  


  1. Great goals for today--hope it works out for you--
    my plan is to hand baste at least one-if not both of the quilts that I prepped yesterday with batting and backing while watching the races downstairs--
    so lets stitch away--
    enjoy the moments,di

  2. Pressing is not my favorite thing either.... I also prewash all my fabric, but it hits the laundry before it ever goes into the sewing room areas. I find it easiest if I set the dryer to "damp dry", remove it while it is still slightly damp, and then press. If it gets too dry, those wrinkles are really tough. Then I spritz with water, let it relax for awhile, and press. I'll spritz one or two pieces, and then work slightly ahead of my pressing, spritzing one, pressing one that's been sitting for 20 minutes. (Mom used to spritz Dad's shirts, and then she would roll them up and place in a plastic bag in the refrigerator overnight.... LOL, my hubby would have a fit if I started rolling fabric and putting it in the fridge.... besides, I'd probably forget about it and find a moldy mess... ) I have been known to re-rinse some larger pieces and re-dry them too!

  3. I too pre-wash all my fabrics and use the damp dry method (when I can). I make up my own Mary Ellens Best Press spray when I need a little more damping before ironing. You have lots of good projects to keep you motivated, that's for sure.

  4. We woke up to snow this morning. What, what??! LOL! But it's sunny and all gone now. I don't always pre-wash. Don't tell on me. But I love to iron! ;)

  5. I found it so interesting to see how managing JUST 15 minutes per night could add up to so much over time! :) Sure, there are larger blocks of time here and there but just a wee bit, steadily, has some wonderful results

  6. I found it so interesting to see how managing JUST 15 minutes per night could add up to so much over time! :) Sure, there are larger blocks of time here and there but just a wee bit, steadily, has some wonderful results

  7. I think a pile of pressing like that would go well with something to binge watch on Netflix! You'll really feel like you accompished something when it's done and ready to cut into! Have a great week, Kate!


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