
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Calling All Red Scraps

The science demos are over, thankfully!  I'm still pretty wrung out from 4 hours of assisting with demos and then take down.  We didn't get done till about 7 PM on Thursday.  Yesterday was clean up day at work, so lots of moving stuff and cleaning in the labs.  Let's just say I got more than my minimum of steps in both days.  Unfortunately my plantar fasciitis kicked in big time, so that means staying off my feet for a couple of days till the inflammation goes down.  So no prom dress shopping this weekend.  Drama Teen is OK with that, she's a bit wrung out from mid terms and said she wanted to sleep in today.  

It was another busy week, so not much sewing in the evenings.  I did make some progress on finishing off the 4 smaller aqua fans. 

One is done, two more are in various stages of assembly.  I haven't cut the fabrics for the fourth one yet.   On my too tired to stitch evening, I started looking for my red scraps.  I'm become such a fan of the starburst layout that I changed the layout for the quilt these blocks go into.  The new layout needs 16 small red fans.  I always seem to be deficient in red.  But then remembered there are 2" and 1.5" strips in the pre-cut strip drawer and added those to the mix.  

There's a larger variety of reds in the stash than I thought.  Surely I can get 16 blocks out of all of this.  Repeating fabrics is OK as only 4 blocks will be right next to each other.  Next step is to assign a pair of fabrics for each block.  Hopefully I'll have some red blocks to show off next week.  

Linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge over at Soscrappy on Saturday.  Then for Oh Scrap over at Quilting is More Fun than Housework on Sunday.  


  1. Love the aquas, and double love the reds! Do you have to go back and make more small fans from the last two months, too?

  2. Progress is good and prep work is essential!! Looking forward to the outcome next week.

  3. Busy week for you, does staying off your feet mean you can sit and quilt? Nice red collection.

  4. Well, get some rest, and hopefully you can get some sewing done while you're off your feet!
    Your reds look like a good variety for the fan blocks. I'm fascinated with this quilt of yours!

  5. Looks like plenty of reds came out to play. Sometimes finding them is the hard part.

  6. Ooh, what a collection of possibilities! My red stash is pitiful, so it's fun to see all the different fabrics people have.

  7. Oh, what a lovely grouping of red scraps. You should have some beautiful blocks from this assortment.

  8. Oh, no fun about the plantar fasciitis! I hope you get some relief from that soon. At least you got to play and sort fabric, and your assortment of reds looks wondeful!

  9. The reds are lovely, but I do love the aqua's. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  10. Oh no! I hope your foot feels better soon. That is so very painful! Love your red fabric pull. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  11. plantar fasciitis! I had that a few years ago..not fun. I remember buying insoles for all of my shoes. I hope it gets better asap / mine did over time.

  12. Love those aqua fans they are spectacular! Lots of nice red blocks to come by the look of all those scraps!


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