
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Pretty Pitiful Progress with Purple

We enjoyed day one of our three day weekend on Friday. Or at least I did.  My Guy finally succumbed to the respiratory virus that both DT and I have had.  He was pretty miserable.  He slept and I played in the sewing room.  Most of my effort was focused on getting the backing cut and pieced for Bejeweled.  But I did sneak in enough other stitching to finish off one more small fan block.

It's hard to see the scale in this picture, but the small fans are only 3.5".  For some reason I've been having problems getting the pieces lined up properly on these blocks.  I always seem to attach the next "ray" in the wrong orientation and have to un-sew a bit.  If that hadn't happened, there be a large block to show this week.  

The other purple scrappy project that's been taking priority in the sewing room is Geometry.  Geometry uses up left over yardage from several other projects, so that makes it a scrappy quilt too, at least in my book. 

The purple is left over from the Zombie in Paris Quilt.  The red was also used in Allietare and the orange in Cowboy Orange.  So though the black math fabric was  purchased specifically for this quilt, the rest of the fabrics came from the stash. I still have the blue, green and yellow blocks to cut and stitch.  But this project has been a really quick one.  That's good because there is still one more graduation quilt to go and it's not started yet.  

Linking up with Soscrappy for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and with Oh Scrap on Sunday over at Quilting is More Fun than Housework.   


  1. Busy days. Glad that you are starting to feel better. It is the time of year for all the viruses to get spread around. The Geometry is looking great. Nice graphic feel to the design.

  2. The fans are going to make a stunning quilt and the Geometry is going to be fun!

  3. LIKE that geometry quilt layout. And not to worry with the fan blocks - I think they're wonderful.

  4. I love that math fabric! And leftovers are definitely scraps. Are the fans paper pieced? I forget.

  5. Your fan block is so cute! I love tiny blocks. Your math quilt is looking great too!

  6. Oooooh, awesome alliteration! Isn't it great when you can use those scraps? Geometry is coming along beautifully.

  7. Wonderful play with the Geometry quilt - another beauty.

  8. You're doing great! I'm so sorry your guy is sick; this winter has been abysmal. Geometry looks fabulous and makes quite a statement for such a simple block.

  9. That bug has been making it's rounds out our way too. Hope everyone recovers soon. Geometry looks like an interesting quilt block.

  10. Oh! Those PURPLE stars bring back memories. You must be digging DEEP in the scrap stash!!

  11. I love the Geometry quilt. The colors are luscious! I still would love to do a fan quilt someday. Your blocks are so pretty!

  12. Nice alliteration!! I think you are doing great!

  13. Love the bold look of Geometry! And I see someone else likes alliteration!

  14. Your geometry quilt is very striking. I really like it. Oh the fan block, bless you for making a 3-1/2" block!

  15. Love your fabric choices in the Geometry quilt, it's lovely when you get a quilt for nothing (or very little) when using up leftover fabrics. You are so brave making those 3.5 inch blocks, small blocks are so tricky and difficult to sew.

  16. I'm loving the way your Geometry quilt is turning out! I'm intrigued to see how your fan blocks will go together. Looking good!

  17. I think those fan blocks are going to make a great quilt! Are they paper-pieced? I have put pieces of fabric onto the paper with the wrong orientation SO many times. Pretty soon the paper is falling apart before you're even done with the piecing! Hope your guy is feeling better, and that you have a great week!

  18. Glad you are feeling better Kate and hope that icy virus is on it's way OUT!

  19. Great use of all those leftovers in the Geometry quilt. It is going to be stunning. I didn't realize those fan blocks are so tiny. Wow! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  20. I loooooove Geometry! Do you remember where you got the math fabric? And ugh to the virus - I hope you're disinfecting everything! I'm just spraying a can of disinfectant every hour in my house.


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