
Monday, January 23, 2017

Weekend Stitching: Angles and Formulas

Sunday went fast.  The whole weekend went fast.  I'm not ready to head back to work.  At least it will be a short week.  The plan is to take our 19/30 day on Friday, so that's something to look forward too.  

I did spend the day in the sewing room, but I did more cleaning and organizing than I did sewing.  I'm a bit sore from all the lifting and crawling on the floor.  I finally realized that the reason my cutting table had a big drop off from one side to the other was because the hinges were loose.  A few minutes with a screw driver and that was fixed.  One of my storage solutions for my fat quarter sets wasn't working, so I finally bit the bullet and did some reorganization of the fat quarter storage.  I didn't get that all done but I did make some progress.  

In the end, I didn't get to the backing for Bejeweled.  By the time I got the sewing room sorta put back together, it was almost time for dinner.  I'll have to fit in the pressing the backing fabric and piecing the back in the evenings this week.  I did end up with about an hour of sewing time, so I worked on getting the blocks made for the third graduation quilt. 

Geometry is going together pretty fast.  All the orange and red blocks are done.  I made a start on the purple HSTs last night.  My Guy really likes this one.  Drama Teen does too.  The black focus fabric has mathematical expressions all over it.  DT was saying it was weird to realize that she knew what most of them were and what they were used for.  I'm assembling this one as four patches rather than in rows.  That just seemed to work better in terms of keeping the blocks in the right positions.  A couple of the orange pairs have been sewn together.  Hopefully working it that way means that by the time the blocks are all done, most of the assemble will be done too.  

It was nice to have a clean sewing room and make a little progress on one of the graduation quilts, even if it wasn't Bejeweled.  I still have time this month to get that one out the door for quilting, which is my OMG.  

Linking up with:
Making Monday
Main Crush Monday
Monday Design Wall


  1. Lookin' good! Smart idea to assemble in foursies, less to do at the end.

  2. Looks fantastic! It is such a fun quilt. Doesn't straightening the sewing room feel good? I pray your shoulder continues to mend. Enjiy your short week.

  3. It looks great! and I am with you - we needed a saturday and a half this weekend!

  4. This is looking great Kate - see what joining the FAL has made you do?!!!!! ;)

  5. Geometry is looking great! Congrats on getting your sewing space reorganized. We all know that's a challenge sometimes!

  6. LOVE THIS ONE too!!! You'll have to share your reorganized room with us when you are done. :)

  7. It looks fantastic, Kate. What special gifts these will be. I hope you can get a picture of all the girls and their quilts together.

  8. I love it when I have a clean sewing room. I just don't remember when that last happened!

    The top is looking wonderful.


  9. Straightening up my room is always a pain but I'm always glad when it's done. Congrats on all that you accomplished over the weekend. I keep thinking there's all kinds of time before graduation, but not really - time flies! That background fabric in Geometry is really fun.

  10. Congrats! on making progress on the Geometry Quilt. LOVE it!!

  11. Oh, that's gorgeous! I love the colors and I'm totally in love with that background fabric!

  12. This is going to be a very cool quilt,. I really like the pop of the bright colors against the background fabric.

  13. That is one wonderful quilt. It must be so much fun to work with the bright colors. We've got about a week to finish our OMG. I'm making progress, hope you are too!

  14. so jealous over your short week. Geometry is gorgeous.

  15. Wow you are making some gorgeous quilts for graduation. I bet the recipients will love them! I love geometry it is stunning.

  16. You're doing very well with your sewing room time. Nice progress on the latest quilt, seems it is going together fast with your method!

  17. Geometry is looking great! I love all the different layout options there are for using HSTs. I think your background fabric is so perfect for a graduation quilt!

  18. I love that pattern. I've made one before and am sure I'll make another in the future.

  19. I love your "Geometry." The brights set against the black with tiny brights throughout is just wonderful!

  20. What a great quilt; I cansee why your family likes it. Thank you for showing us how an entire day can disappear and you look back and think that's all I did? Straighten up a bit and sew a couple blocks? Welcome to my world. You may be interested in a tutorial on my blog called Book It, a method I learned for assembling the quilt top that works pretty slick to keep everything in order.


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