
Friday, July 29, 2016

July One Monthly Goal - Progress is Good

Fingers crossed that the computer stays connected to the Internet until this post is written, published and linked with Heidi's One Monthly Goal post for July.  

July has not been a good month for stitching.  I've been working overtime on a project with several deadlines approaching in the next few weeks.  Actually, the first deadline was last Friday.   The next deadline is next Tuesday.  So there's lots going on at work.  On the home front, we've had family stuff going on as well, so stitching hasn't been on the top of my "to do" list for a couple of weeks.  Which means that there hasn't been a lot of time to bind the Midnight Mystery Quilt.  There has been good progress.  The label is made and sewn to the back of the quilt.  The binding is all made and stitched to the front.  But, I'm still working on getting the binding sewn to the back.

Two of the four corners are finished. We have plans this weekend, so there won't be a chance to do any more stitching before the end of the month.  Though I didn't get completely finished with this goal, it definitely got moved along this month.  

You can check out progress on other goals for July over at Red Letter Quilts.  


  1. Two out of four corners means you are more than a quarter of the way done! Good for you for finding the time to make progress.

  2. 50% of the corners are done! All progress is good.

  3. life! You will probably have it done before I get to the drawings lol!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. It is almost at the finish line and you deserve credit for the hard parts done. I haven't seen the entire quilt, but this peek shows a bit of mystery in the colors. Well done. BTW, my post is acting weird, just hit the Home button and it will show up.

  5. It is completely fine to move slowly some times. Having a full time job does limit our quilting time. Bu that said, I do wish you had shared more pictures. I am sure it will be done before the end of August and you can show it off in the next OMG!

  6. Nothing wrong with not making a goal -- especially when you have so much else going on. I like this monthly goal and have been tickled that I've succeeded with all but one month. Of course, careful choosing helps!


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