
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

MIA - Glitchy Internet

Not much from Life in Pieces due to glitchy Internet connection problems, work loads, and family stuff.  The new computer doesn't like to connect.  I've had a couple of tech service calls with Dell and am working through the issues.  The problem is not consistent and that makes it hard to pin down the problem. Add in that I've been putting in longer hours at work, there's not much to blog about anyway.   So I'll be in and out, mainly out for a bit.  

Happy Stitching. 


  1. Aw, I hope you get your computer issues worked out soon...what a pain for you! Deep breath - we'll still be here for you when you get back. :)

  2. Well, that's frustrating. Hope you get it worked out soon. Don't forget to find time for sewing in your busy life.

  3. Computer problems are NO fun!! Here's hoping all is resolved soon.

  4. Frustration! Hopefully by now you have resolved those issues. bah on work -- although I do believe work funds the quilting so I can't complain for you too much!


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