
Monday, October 26, 2015

Weekend Stitching - Lots of Progress, But It Doesn't Show

It was actually a pretty productive weekend in the sewing room.  But it's the kind of productively that doesn't show up on the design wall.  Back to Square One and it's back are all prepped, pressed, packaged and read to mail to Trudy for quilting.  That doesn't make for a very exciting picture though.  Once that was done, I squared up the Layer Cake Quilt Along quilt and made the label for it.  Next step is to make the binding for it.  Hopefully it will be finished by next weekend.  

There was a one change on the design wall this weekend.  

Wonky Star Block:  QOV Block Drive sponsored by Alycia Quilts (tutorial is here

Another two Wonky Stars for Alycia's QOV block drive have joined the constellation that's up on the design wall.  I'm hoping to make another 4 blocks by the end of the week for a total of 10.   

You can see more project progress over at:

Design Board Monday
Main Crush Monday
Monday Design Wall
Monday Making


  1. I love the wonky stars in these colors!! I will try these for Xmas.

  2. The wonky stars look wonderful. I love the idea of a constellation on the design wall.

  3. I can't believe I still haven't made any wonky star blocks, when I love them so much. Sounds like you did get a lot accomplished. I still need to stitch on the two labels I printed Saturday. . .

  4. Oh wow! I am just loving those stars. They look great.

  5. Am working on a star quilt--glad you explained the wonky thought one of my eyes was fixing to blow again

  6. Great wonky stars! I've never tried making wonky stars either. Maybe it's time?

  7. I am loving those wonky stars and in the colours you are using! thanks for sharing at Bits'nBobs for Design Board Monday!

  8. Hi Kate; I dropped by to say that I have nominated you for a blogger award (One Lovely Blog Award); you can see my related post at I enjoy reading your blog and I'm so happy to have found you in the online quilting community.

  9. Your stars are looking good, and how exciting to have a quilt sent off to be quilted. That's progress, and every little bit counts! :) Thanks for linking to MCM!

  10. Love them!! Maybe we should name some of the finished quilts Constellation? That is a great name!! Thanks for helping out and being a part of these Quilts of Valor!!! You rock~!


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