
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Favorite Things Friday

It's not quite Friday here, but close.  It's actually past my normal bed time, but I wanted to write a short post about my favorite thing this week.  It's a pretty simple thing.  

It rained today, not great buckets of it, just 0.04 inch.  Still I was able to watch the rain clouds from my office and watch the water run down the office windows.  

Even better, it didn't start raining until after I got into work and it had quit by the time I had to leave.  So I just got to watch it, but didn't have to get wet.  Definitely another favorite thing. 

So what's your favorite thing?  Link up with Shay over at Quilting in My Pyjamas to share your most favorite thing for the week.  


  1. Is that a green and empty view out of your office window? The word "office" conjures up city, or at least town, landscapes. That is neither! Wow!

  2. your rain pictures are beautiful. very peaceful (unless of course there were thunderstorms involved) ..

  3. I enjoy sewing more when it is raining. It is very soothing for me. XX Kathleen

  4. I love the raindrops on the rose bush in the first photo. If it's going to rain here it usually ends up flooding, so as much as rainy days are good for sewing, I'm kind of over torrential downpours.

  5. Great post, I love raindrops on the window and the sound is wonderful too. Your pics are perfect. Yes,it's nice when Mother Nature makes it conveniient to where we don't have to drive in it. My favorite is to be at home with a good book while it's raining but we can't have everything!

  6. Great rain photo. Those are hard to take and show what it really looks like. I love rain too.

  7. We need some rain down our way, though the eastern states have had too much we have had too little. Some days its just nice to sit and watch the rain. Great FTF.

  8. A little drizzle is the perfect amount of rain. I love to sit and watch it. It's actually so relaxing.Great favourite Kate!

  9. This makes me crave spring, when there will be lovely rain, not snow. Great favorite!

  10. beautiful shots and i love the abstractness of the second one . . . the two strong vertical lines, the horizon line and that lone tree in the lower right corner . . . all gently blurred by the rain . . .

    our temp is at 22 degrees as i write this so rain sounds wonderful. i'm not sure it's even going to get above freezing today.



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