
Friday, February 8, 2013

Kats with Kates - Late Friday Edition

Kate (of Katie Mae Quilts) and I are working on Kitty Kwilts.  Not the same pattern, we both had Kitty projects on our bucket list for this year and decided to start them at the same time.  

You should check out her purrfect blocks (here).  She already has enough blocks done to come up with 2 layouts.  Me, well I suppose I could do a bit of shuffling of what I've gotten done to date.

Calico Cats
Pattern is Fat Cats from the

The Quilter Magazine (July 2006)
by Lucy A. Fazely and Micheal L. Burns

Number 4 lies in pieces next to the sewing machine, it may make it to being a full fledged Kitty by the end of the weekend.  Then I only have 16 more to do!  


  1. Oh, I like both of your quilts, and they are polar opposites. Do you have a cat to sit on yours too? lol

  2. So cute! Katie seems to be having fun with her layout!

  3. It's nice to sew along with a friend, and give each other encouragement.

  4. Love your kitties! The bowtie is the perfect touch!

  5. Very cute Kitties.

    16 isnt all that many ...I'll be cheering you on towards a finish!


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