
Monday, November 5, 2012

Design Wall Monday - November 5th

Sewing time this weekend was split between organizing my sewing space and actual sewing.  The stash closet also doubles as the holding area for Christmas gifts which puts them in close proximity to the cutting table where we do most of the gift wrapping.  After shopping on Friday, space was needed to store what came home.  It will be a few weeks before the mayhem of wrapping starts, but it seemed like a good idea to take a bit of time and get ready. 
Progress was made on Evening Star. 

Evening Star
Pattern from Calico Carriage
Designed by Debbie Maddy
I found the perfect fabric for the back on sale for 40% off, so I ordered it this weekend.  Nothing in the stash matched and as this quilt is intended as a gift, I wanted it to have a nice back. 

Two more blocks were added to the collection of Scrappy Star blocks up on the design wall.

Scrappy Stars
Pattern is Folk Art Christmas Stars
by Robyn Pandolph

The pattern calls for 48 of these stars.  With only 16 done, I've got a ways to go. 

I also worked on the binding for the Fat Quarter Stars quilt which will probably be the last quilt finished this year.  Hopefully, Evening Star, The Sofa Quilt and the Scrappy Coffee Cups quilt will all make it to the flimsy stage before the end of the year.  At least that's the plan anyway.  Which should help give me a quick start to next year's finishes. 

Due to dual matches of volleyball tonight, it will be tomorrow before I get to check out all the other design walls linked up with Patchwork Times 


  1. The Scrappy Stars are one third done!!

    Looks like a very productive time ahead

  2. Kate, things are looking good on your design wall! Your Evening Star is very pretty -- but then it's purplish, and I have strong leanings to that color! :)

  3. Your purple star is wonderful. Some year I am going to make one of those. Hum, maybe next year as I could make a wall hanging it to go with my bed quilt and shams. I also like your stars. Good job getting some Christmas shopping done too.

  4. Stars! I love the Sawtooth Star. Such a classic quilt block.

  5. Love stars and your Evening Star and Scrappy Stars are gorgeous!! :)

  6. Your evening star quilt is beautiful.

  7. Lots of stars for you, and both quilts are going to look fabulous.

  8. I had no idea that the sawtooth block had so many pieces. My admiration for your quilting skills and perseverance just increased a lot. That block would look like a dogs breakfast if I attempted it!

  9. The Evening Star looks AWESOME! I love the colors - can't wait to see it finished!


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