
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - October 9th

I'm not completely well, but definitely better than yesterday.  I still feel fuzzy, like my brain is encapsulated in cotton balls and thoughts can't find their way out.  So if this post seems a bit weird, just chalk it up to those thoughts that got snagged on the cotton in my head. 

Last week I asked for suggestions on possible improvements to the 15 Minute Challenge for next year.  Thank you for all the wonderful comments on how each of you use the challenge.  Your comments got me thinking and I did some Goggle searching on being creative.  One article I read suggested forming a peer group to keep you motivated and spark new creative directions.  I realized that's exactly what this group that regularly shows up on Tuesdays has become for me.  Thanks for the inspiration.

As far as any changes go, I'm still exploring the idea of creativity, looking for some ideas that might add interest and of course most importantly, fun.  So stay tuned, I may try a thing or two before the end of the year. 

One thing that probably won't change is the fancy weekly report. It gives me a chance to play with the digital scrapbooking software.  Something I don't do nearly enough of (probably because I spend enough time on the computer).  As this week's report shows I didn't do too badly on the sewing front this week. 

Even with all the after hours work responsibilities last week, Fun Night on Saturday and being unwell, I did manage at least 4 days of craftiness.  I only spent 15 minutes on the embroidery last night.  I didn't fell well enough to attempt the sewing machine, which means I really felt bad. 

How did your sewing/crafting plans go last week? 

1. Kate
2. dianna
3. Lesley A
4. Amanda
5. libbyQ

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  1. Hi, I've been busy with a patchwork backpack in upholstery fabric this week - its still work in progress:) I hope you are beginning to feel better soon. Dianna

  2. Going back to work last week and having Little P really cramped my sewing style. I haven't done a thing. And this week isnt looking much better with commitments last night, tonight and tomorrow night. Im just wishing the weekend would hurry up so I can get creative then !

  3. Its great that you were able to do some stuff even when you were unwell. Glad you got some inspiration to change things up a bit and this is a great creative thing every week that we do just to see what we are doing and achieving every week.

  4. Glad to hear you're on the mend. Nice job this week .. I did absolutely nothing. I need to set some goals for this coming week so that I can join up next week.

  5. I've just ripped out several hours of knitting so I'm trying not to think about all the things I have to get done before the end of the year!

  6. i think you had a great week all things considered.

    i'm looking forward to seeing what you might have up your sleeve for the 15 minute challege . . .

    and i LOVE this weeks beautiful report card~!

    i missed a couple of days last week but am still managing to keep things rolling along.



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