
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Leaf-less


  1. We're not totally leafless yet, but it won't be long. I'm eager to see some truly spectacular fall colors. BTW, I got a chuckle over your "About Me" which says..."I spend as much time as possible in my sewing room cutting fabric into smaller pieces so I can sew them back together again." =D It's nice meeting you! Your newest follower! ~Cathy

    Visit: Horse in the Cove & Smoky Mountain Memories

  2. In quite the opposite fashion, I was considering today how quickly all the leaves had appeared on the ornamental cherry tree where it seemed there were only blossoms a week ago!

  3. Wow -- that happened fast!! I expect fall foliage will be in full swing when I drive back home!! :)

  4. We had big winds last week, but the leaves hung on. I wonder how much longer they'll be able to stick it out. Yours are gone in a hurry.

  5. and just like that...they're gone : )

  6. Looks like fall is here. We don't have the colors here but I guess the leaves eventually fall off the trees. I'll have to pay attention to when that happens.

  7. They are falling down here too - looks beautiful on the ground though! :-)

  8. Oh dear, that was fast! Ours have just started to turn in Delaware.

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: French Marigolds

  9. Spring is low to come here so I still have a tree that looks like that too!

  10. Wow! Gone already. Our leaves are just turning. They look so beautiful. Especially against the gorgeous blue sky we see in the Fall.


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