
Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Design Wall - October 8th

What started as a tickle in my throat during the mid afternoon yesterday, was a full fledged sore throat by the dinner time.  I'm feeling achey and somewhere along the way, an annoying cough kicked in along with a fever.  In other words, I'm feeling pretty yucky.  So I'm thinking bed rest and chicken soup is on my agenda for today. 

 I did get some stitching done before the crappy stuff started.  Here's what made it to the design wall before I finally threw in the towel and went to bed. 

  Grandmother's Choice
A block of the week (BOW) by Barbara Brackman

Block 6 of the Grandmother's Choice BOW was completed.  I finally admitted defeat on block 5.  I'll substitute another block for that one later. 

Progress was also made on UFO #6, the Scrappy Stars project.

Pattern is Folk Art Christmas Stars
by Robyn Pandolph

Two new stars were added to the design wall.  I still have a bunch more to make for this project. 

That's it for my design wall this week.  Check out Judy's Patchwork Times for more new stuff. 


  1. There was a sunflower block in one of my magazines this month that I tore out. It looked like it would be easier to piece. If you want, I could scan it and send it to you. Your blocks look great. I love the fabrics you've selected.

  2. Maybe that pesky block will be easier once you are feeling better. I do know that walking away from a problem in my studio has resulted in success later. :-)

  3. Both projects look great!
    Hope you're feeling better... we've had some stuff going around here as well. The one downfall of this time of year!

    Happy sewing!

  4. I hope you feel better soon Kate. Take it easy and rest up.

    The BOW quilt blocks are looking great. Block 5 might come good if you come back to it later , otherwise your idea of substituting another block is a plan that wont make you tear your hair out.

    I really have to pull my finger out and start doing some sewing again !

  5. I'm piecing a different block five - but somehow I managed to pick one with more piecing than necessary! Might have been easier just to hand-sew the original. ;)

    Hope you feel better soon!

  6. That sounds flu-like. Hope you can shake it soon. Love the blocks Right now, I'm just looking at the pictures. Just can't seem to commit to anything.

  7. Both of your projects are looking good. Sorry to hear you are under the weather. I hate that when I'm in the mood to sew, especially. Hot tea with lemon and honey always helps with my throat and to sleep better.

  8. I worked on the sunflower but now I am so far behind I still need to do the last three. Yours are looking great.

  9. Those Grandmother's Choice blocks play so nicely together.

    Hope you are feeling fighting fit real soon.

  10. The Grandmother's blocks are so pretty, as are the Stars. Hope you are feeling better and able to take up needle and thread more often :)


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