
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Foto Finish - Leap

It is it really already Saturday?  Not that I'm complaining, but it was a really fast week.  I was pretty much AWOL from the home computer the last few days. This week, the 8 hours at work has been spent in front of my computer writing reports.  I was pretty much typed out by the time I got home most nights this week.   I have at least 3 more weeks of report writing.  Maybe I'll build up some stamina and still have some words left over to use at night.

Barbara at Cat Patches has put suggested "Leap" as this week's Foto Finish topic.  After combing through my shots, it became obvious that I was going to have to go for a different interpretation.   Apparently we don't leap much in this family.  But I did come across this image from 3 years ago.  

Doesn't it look like she's ready to just leap into that water?  This is Kiddo (aka Drama Teen) running into the surf on Galveston Island.  This was Spring Break of 2009.  It was her, one of her school friends and I out to see the sights around Houston that week.  My Guy had bailed due to an impending international trip.  When DT was little we lived 15 miles from the Gulf.  During the summer we took a lot of weekend trips to the beach.  The beach is the one big thing she misses about living in TX.  It wasn't particularly warm this overcast morning in March.   DT's school friend had never been to one of the coasts, so it was her first glimpse of the ocean.  There was absolutely no chance of keeping them out of the water.  So I gave up and prepared to deal with two wet, cold girls.  But they were good sports about all of it, maybe because the next stop was lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, another of DT's favorite things from living in TX.   

That's it for this week.  Check out the other leaps over at Cat Patches.  


  1. Yes, she does look ready to leap! Those are some wonderful memories.

  2. My family aren't leapers either. It does look like DT is just about to though.

  3. Sher certainly does look like she would leap in!


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