
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - February 28th

It's hard to believe that February is almost over.  It's been 59 days since the start of the new year.  How are you doing at making time to sew 15 minutes a day?  Do you feel like it's a habit yet?  It's been a year since I challenged myself to find 15 minutes a day to sew.  After all that "practice" time, I find that remembering to put in the 15 minutes isn't my problem, it's making myself do it some nights.  Last week was not one of my more steller efforts.

My sewing room only saw me 3 out of the last 7 days.  Could have been worse, could have been better.   Not sure I can put my finger on why I didn't sew.  It certainly wasn't because I spent all my time on the computer, I barely turned it on last week.  Hopefully this week will be better.  It needs to better, I havn't done anything on the UFO challenge this month. Yikes! 

On to the more interesting stuff.  Who won last week's challenge give-away? 

Congratulations Thea!  Thea's been a regular participant in the challenge for a while.  She's made some fun quilts over the last few months, her current Disapperaing Giraffes quilt is very cute. 

Next Tuesday will be the 66 day mark, which based on one scientific study is the average time it takes someone to develop a habit.  There is one last give away to encourage you to stick with it for one more week. 

Another book, 3 Times the Charm and a charm pack of Papillion by 3 Sisters for Moda.  If you link up this week, include the words "15 Minute Challenge" in somewhere in your post and provide a list of what you did, Mr. Random Number generator might be nice and give me your number.  So link up! 

1. Barb H
2. PJ - off Avondale Rd
3. Amanda, Seabreeze Quilts
4. libbyQ
5. Shay
6. Pat
7. Nana B
8. Thea
9. Kate
10. Hueisei
11. Jane
12. June

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  1. I think sometimes we just need a short break from our 'have to do' lists! You've done a pretty amazing job getting a lot done this past year. I know 15 minutes doesn't seem like much, so it should be easy to do, but sometimes it's more about feeling like "I should/have to" than not wanting to do the actual task that is what keeps us from our goals!

  2. Haven't done well with fifteen minutes at a time--I'm more of a "Giant Block of Time" quilter, I guess! :) However, being in this challenge makes me more aware of the time I'm spending on my craft and that's motivating for me. (Winning the prize is also motivating!)

  3. Some times we just don't want to sew!

  4. Sometime we all need a "rest" from our activities to refresh and recharge. Hopefully this next week will better for you. I just keep trying and find this helps.

  5. They've changed blogger again.. Hopefully my post will come up when I write it in a minute.
    my Sewing has been similar to you, have been creative things just not as much sewing as I would have liked. Have a good one.

  6. is it possible that one needs more than a 15 minute 'vacation' from the 15 minute challenge?


    p.s. congrats to Thea of California Dreamin~!

  7. still whipped my butt for sewing effort this week Kate !

    I'm not sure what's going on here ..

    Congratulations Thea !

  8. Some days I just don't want to sew. I guess it's good I have other options. You need a break every now and then. Enjoy!

  9. I "had" to get a baby present done and then I wanted to make something for big sis so I did get in some quality time with my machine this week.

  10. Thanks Kate and everyone else!! I am so excited to have won last week! The past two weeks for me have been pretty good, but before that I was struggling to get even two days in. Sometimes sewing just doesn't happen.

  11. I'm happy with my progress this week! :)
    Thanks for organizing this :)

  12. Hi Kate- I am working this 15 minute challenge and am really happy with what I am getting accomplished. Great system and it still amazes me how simple it is. Thanks for the inspiration.

    The prize this week is very generous!

  13. Sounds like a fun habit to develop! Thanks for the inspiration.


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