
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - February 21st

Have you ever reached a point where you have more ideas in your head or challenges you want to participate in than you possibly have time for?  I certainly felt that way this weekend after finding 2 new projects that I really want to start now.  Last week, I ignored my sewing room for the most part, couldn't work up the interest (or energy) to spend any time there.  But I think those few days offto let my brain rest was necessary.  Since coming up with these two new projects, I'm feeling a lot more energized about spending time in the sewing room. 

It's been a year since I challenged myself to spend a minimum of 15 minutes every day in my sewing room.  It started as a month long challenge to myself because my projects weren't moving along at a pace to meet my goals.  That challenge to myself made a big difference in my ability to get projects to completion.  What I learned last week is that sometimes taking a break from the challenge is also necessary in order to keep up your enthusiaism.  This week's report reflects a renewed energy.

A total of 6 out of 7 days isn't bad.  In addition to what's on the report, I also roughed out a quilt layout for a new scrap project that I hope to start before the end of the month. 

Moving on to the more exciting stuff.  The winner of the "Necessories" pattern and fat quarters is:

# 8 Nana N of Seaside Sewing

Congratulations Nana! 

We've reached day 52 of the 66 days the experts claim it takes, on average, for someone to develop a new habit.  This week's motivation to stick with the challenge is likely to give you some thoughts on new projects to ignight your ethusiaism 

I've not made a jelly row quilt yet, but Strip-Smart Quilts by Kathy Brown has me wanting too and Redwork with a Twist by Pat Sloan had me pulling out some completed embroidery blocks to consider what might be done with them.  So it's time for you to link up and share how ethusiastic you were last week about spending 15 mintues a day sewing/crafting.  A quick reminder, to be eligable for the give-away, the post you link up must have "15 Minute Challenge" somewhere in the title or text of the post and a "report" of what you did with your 15 minutes each day you sewed.  It can be as simple as a list, or as complex as a photo collage.   

1. Liz
2. Marti
3. libbyQ
4. Hueisei
5. Pat
6. Pat
7. Thea
8. Amanda
9. PJ off Avondale Rd.
10. Kate

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  1. Yes, I've definitely felt like there were too many ideas in my head and great projects to link up with and I just couldn't do a single 'nother thing! The Redwork with a Twist book looks especially lovely!! :)

  2. Glad you found your motivation! I really need to catch up with the Fat Quarter Stars, too.

  3. OH my gosh, of course I've felt that way; sometimes it is why I get 'stuck'! I can't decide what to do, so many new ideas and yet my mind is saying 'finish the old ones first'. Sometimes when we've been following our own rules for so long,it does really help to break out and temporarily change things up a bit!

  4. Way to go, Kate! Can't wait to see your finishes on your new projects. My sewing was non-existent. I hope to get back to it this week. Thanks for being such an inspiration! Happy Tuesday! ☺

  5. Oh definitely! I have so many ideas in my file that my kids will have to take up quilting to finish them. My problem is that I have too many irons in the fire most of the time and quilting gets back burner most of the time.

    But I did better this week, mainly because I had so much down time waiting for other people.

  6. I had a bit of a rest from sewing this week. Will file my report a bit later today. Have been busy organising a colour laser printer and printing off patterns for a couple of shops, but I got back in to sewing yesterday with a vengence and I have a project in my head that will need to have something done about it soon.

  7. good for you~!~you got your mojo back~!!~
    and once again, thank you for keeping us all inspired and on track with this great challenge~!!~

    congrats to Nana N on the giveaway win~!


  8. Congrats on a great progress last week! I apologize for last week mistake on the link. I'm going to be extra careful this week :) Happy Sewing to everyone!! :)

  9. Woot Woot Thank you Kate. What fun to win a give -a way. Your 15 minute challenge has me thinking about quilting every day - even when I don't get to the machine!

  10. I'm afraid if I took any time away from sewing/crafting that I may never get back into it. It's so easy for me to be lazy. Thanks for the challenge.

  11. There are so many things I want to do, so little time. I can't wait for retirement.

    Thanks for the challenge!

  12. Sounds like you had a good week. And I get so many ideas in my head too, I'm sometimes just swimming in ideas!


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