
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Photo Finish - Look Up

I have just a few minutes to post this morning.  Kiddo has a volleyball tournament today.   I've been MIA in blog land this week in terms reading and commenting on everyone's posts.  Kiddo's volleyball/swim schedules and deadlines at work that are requiring some overtime are keeping me from checking out how everyone is doing.  It should get better next week (I hope).  So my apologies.  I hope everyone had a great week.  

Barbara has picked "Look Up" for this weeks Foto Finish theme.  Any photography how too book will tell you to change your perspective and camera angle.  I very often just don't think to do that.  But one night Kiddo remarked how much she liked looking up at this building, so I looked up too. 


I walk by this building at least 3 times a week.  But it took Kiddo's remark to make me to look up, walk back to the car to get my camera and take the shot.  The sky that day was overcast, so it looks like the building just ends in nothingness (that's not Photoshopped, it really looked that way). 

That's it for me today.  I need to go fix sandwiches and the like since we won't have time to go hunt for lunch during the tournament today.  Have a wonderful Saturday.  Check out all the other shifts in perspective over at Cat Patches. 


  1. I love the converging lines in this one. One of the best things about having kids is that, while keeping us busy, they also force us to slow down and "look!" at the world in a different way.

  2. I rarely think to look up . I must do it more often, although there rent that many tall buildings in the places I frequent.

    Great picture Kate. Here's hoping Kiddo went great guns at volleyball.

  3. My husband, an amateur photographer with a fancy SLR camera, said that was a "very effective" photo - and I agree!

  4. Awesome! I love the feeling of infinity the windows give you.


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