
Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Things Friday - September 16th

I know it's Friday, but it sure doesn't feel like Friday.  I guess that's because we have a busy weekend in front of us.  I'm hoping to get to sew some on Sunday.  Keep your fingers crossed there, with My Guy out of pocket and out of the country, there is just more to do than usual. 

Enough gloom and doom, it's time for Favorite Things Friday.  Numerous posts over the summer lamented our extreme summer time highs.  For example, just a little over 2 weeks ago:

We had weeks of high temperatures like that.  Here's the forecast for the rest of this week:

Yesterday's high was 63 F.  It was so cool compared to the most recent highs, they couldn't regulate the building temperature fast enough and I had to use my space heater in the office.  It seems like forever since you could walk from the door of my office building across the parking to the car and not feel like you'd melted (complete with little puddles of water which pooled at your feet if you quit moving for very long).  Not to mention, having to open the car door for a full 3 minutes to let all the hot air out just so you wouldn't burn your lungs from the first breath you took inside the car.   I visited parts of my closet yesterday that haven't seen my face since June, I needed long sleeves.  Kiddo says it's not fall till the leaves fall off the trees (that actually happened in July for some of the trees around here), but it sure felt like fall yesterday.   

So my favorite thing this week is fall weather.  What's yours?  Check out all the other favorites this week over at Quilting in My Pyjamas


  1. Hoping your weekend goes smooth for you, Kate. We're having Fall-like weather too. The windows are open, and I'm wearing long sleeves...and loving it. ☺ Happy Friday!

  2. I love the low humidity of the fall season, but summer is my favourite. I just can't get enough of the heat. Today I awoke to 33 degrees...Not my idea of ideal fall weather in Ontario, Canada.

  3. Glad you have some cooler weather. Fall has arrived here too. Have an awesome weekend!

  4. I'm glad you're glad Fall is approaching. I'm equally glad were having very typical Spring weather and what has been a very cold winter for us Aussies. Spring is my favourite season.

    "I visited parts of my closet yesterday that haven't seen my face since June" I laughed out loud. I'm doing the same thing with clothes that have short sleeves. Maybe I should ship my winter wardrobe over to you!

  5. We've had the opposite here. It's been very cool here for longer than normal and then today it was around 80 and tomorrow it's forecast to be 90 deg. Yikes I was wearing winter clothes earlier this week. I think we've gone straight to summer.

  6. I love the smell of fall in the air .. don't get that much in California and I do miss it. It makes me a little sad too that summer is over.

  7. Surely can't fault you for desiring fall to come faster, Kate! I'd like photos of those puddles at your feet, lol!

    Here we have had a cool summer--very few days even getting to 75 or 80 at the beach this whole summer. Enjoy!

  8. I know what it's like when you crave the less extreme season. I am really enjoying the Sring weather over here.

  9. I'm sure before we know it we will be having extreme heat again last year we missed some of the real heat that have been the pattern for the last few years and I am grateful I am sure we are in for a hot one this year though.


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