
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Foto Finish - Fun and Games

I missed Foto Finish last week, just too much going on with the kiddo's swim meet and hooking up with family for Mother's Day.  We are home this weekend, it's cold and overcast, so it's a good morning to sit at the computer and look at photos.  As I was looking for a shot to fit this week's theme of "Fun and Games" I decided that Kiddo had it right when last week she said she'd found the perfect T-shirt.  It said "If you think I'm crazy, you should see my friends". 

These two have been partners in crime since first grade.   I have no idea what we were out shopping for on this trip, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't football gear.

To check out all the other fun and games, check out Cat Patches Foto Finish.   


  1. Stop! You're scaring me! Just kidding. Great shot!

  2. It's great to see kids with a sense of humour. Neither of those girls is recognisable under all that palaver!

  3. Oooooh! Tough looking kids. Love it! Thanks for posting to Foto Finish.

  4. How cute! must have been an interesting shopping trip!

  5. Fun! Reminds me of the days when I'd go shopping with the kids; they used to love goofing off like that!

  6. LOL They're too the expressions!! Definitely fun!!

  7. Great shot! Looks like you were all having fun on that shopping trip!


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